Issue 1, 2024

Recent advances in the synthesis, characterization, and catalytic consequence of metal species confined within zeolite for hydrogen-related reactions


Zeolites-encapsulated metal and metal oxide species are important heterogeneous catalysts. They give performances that steadily outperform traditional supported catalysts in many important reactions and have become a research hotspot. Remarkable achievements have been made with respect to the synthesis, characterization, and performances of metal species (typically metal and metal oxide clusters) confined in zeolites. The development in the strategies for the encapsulation of metal species including post-treatment and in situ synthesis method are introduced and compared. For the characterization of zeolite-encapsulated metal catalysts, the structural and surface properties of metal species are studied by several useful techniques, such as electron microscopy, X-ray absorption (XAS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of CO (FTIR-CO), and chemisorption, which confirm the successful confinement of metal species in zeolites and their unique physiochemical properties. In addition, the encapsulation fraction can be determined by a probe molecular titration reaction. For the catalytic performance of zeolite-encapsulated metal catalysts, the activity, selectivity, and stability are emphasized. Finally, applications of zeolite-encapsulated metal catalysts in hydrogen-related reactions are summarized.

Keywords: Zeolite; Encapsulation; Metal species; Synthesis; Characterization; Catalytic performance.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in the synthesis, characterization, and catalytic consequence of metal species confined within zeolite for hydrogen-related reactions

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Article type
Review Article
06 7 2023
25 8 2023
First published
25 8 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024,2, 57-84

Recent advances in the synthesis, characterization, and catalytic consequence of metal species confined within zeolite for hydrogen-related reactions

M. Liu, C. Miao and Z. Wu, Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 57 DOI: 10.1039/D3IM00074E

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