Issue 4, 2024

Cross-polymerization between bio-oil and polyaniline: synergistic effects on pore development in subsequent activation and adsorption of phenol


Bio-oil is a major product from pyrolysis of biomass which serves as a carbon source to produce carbon material due to its high reactivity towards polymerization itself or cross-polymerization with other organic feedstocks. In this study, activation of polyaniline (PANI) mixed with wheat straw-derived bio-oil and K2C2O4 at 800 °C was conducted, aiming to understand the effect of potential interactions of bio-oil with PANI on pore development of resulting activated carbon (AC). The results revealed cross-polymerization reactions between PANI and bio-oil during direct activation, which increased the yield of AC from 13.0% (calculated average) to 15.0%, the specific surface area from 1677.9 m2 g−1 (calculated average) to 1771.3 m2 g−1, and the percentage of micropores from 94.3% to 97.1%. In addition, pre-polymerization of PANI and bio-oil at 200 °C before activation was also conducted. Such pretreatment could increase the AC yield from 13.0% to 23.3%, but the specific surface area decreased to 1381.8 m2 g−1. The pre-polymerization formed the organics that were more resistant towards cracking/gasification, but introduced oxygen-rich functionalities. This made AC highly hydrophilic, rendering a much higher capability for adsorption of phenol despite the smaller specific surface area. Additionally, the AC with developed pore structures facilitated dispersion of nickel in Ni/AC and enhanced the catalytic activity for hydrogenation of o-chloronitrobenzene and vanillin.

Keywords: Polyaniline; Bio-oil; Activation; Activated carbon; Pre-polymerization; Adsorption.

Graphical abstract: Cross-polymerization between bio-oil and polyaniline: synergistic effects on pore development in subsequent activation and adsorption of phenol

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Article type
06 1 2024
07 2 2024
First published
07 3 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024,2, 600-612

Cross-polymerization between bio-oil and polyaniline: synergistic effects on pore development in subsequent activation and adsorption of phenol

B. Li, C. Li, D. Li, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Wang, S. Hu, J. Xiang, M. Gholizadeh and X. Hu, Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 600 DOI: 10.1039/D4IM00001C

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