Issue 16, 2024

Floquet engineering of the orbital Hall effect and valleytronics in two-dimensional topological magnets


We show that circularly polarized light is a versatile way to manipulate both the orbital Hall effect and band topology in two-dimensional ferromagnets. Employing the hexagonal lattice, we proposed that interactions between light and matter allow for the modulation of the valley polarization effect, and then band inversions, accompanied by the band gap closing and reopening processes, can be achieved subsequently at two valleys. Remarkably, the distribution of orbital angular momentum can be controlled by the band inversions, leading to the Floquet engineering of the orbital Hall effect, as well as the topological phase transition from a second-order topological insulator to a Chern insulator with in-plane magnetization, and then to a normal insulator. Furthermore, first-principles calculations validate the feasibility with the 2H-ScI2 monolayer as a candidate material, paving a technological avenue to bridge the orbitronics and nontrivial topology using Floquet engineering.

Graphical abstract: Floquet engineering of the orbital Hall effect and valleytronics in two-dimensional topological magnets

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 3 2024
17 5 2024
First published
18 5 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 3819-3824

Floquet engineering of the orbital Hall effect and valleytronics in two-dimensional topological magnets

R. Li, X. Zou, Z. Chen, X. Feng, B. Huang, Y. Dai and C. Niu, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 3819 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00237G

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