Issue 19, 2024

Gallic acid-loaded HFZIF-8 for tumor-targeted delivery and thermal-catalytic therapy


“Transition” metal-coordinated plant polyphenols are a type of promising antitumor nanodrugs owing to their high biosafety and catalytic therapy potency; however, the major obstacle restricting their clinical application is their poor tumor accumulation. Herein, Fe-doped ZIF-8 was tailored using tannic acid (TA) into a hollow mesoporous nanocarrier for gallic acid (GA) loading. After hyaluronic acid (HA) modification, the developed nanosystem of HFZIF-8/GA@HA was used for the targeted delivery of Fe ions and GA, thereby intratumorally achieving the synthesis of an Fe-GA coordinated complex. The TA-etching strategy facilitated the development of a cavitary structure and abundant coordination sites of ZIF-8, thus ensuring an ideal loading efficacy of GA (23.4 wt%). When HFZIF-8/GA@HA accumulates in the tumor microenvironment (TME), the framework is broken due to the competitive protonation ability of overexpressed protons in the TME. Interestingly, the intratumoral degradation of HFZIF-8/GA@HA provides the opportunity for the in situ “meeting” of GA and Fe ions, and through the coordination of polyhydroxyls assisted by conjugated electrons on the benzene ring, highly stable Fe-GA nanochelates are formed. Significantly, owing to the electron delocalization effect of GA, intratumorally coordinated Fe-GA could efficiently absorb second near-infrared (NIR-II, 1064 nm) laser irradiation and transfer it into thermal energy with a conversion efficiency of 36.7%. The photothermal performance could speed up the Fenton reaction rate of Fe-GA with endogenous H2O2 for generating more hydroxyl radicals, thus realizing thermally enhanced chemodynamic therapy. Overall, our research findings demonstrate that HFZIF-8/GA@HA has potential as a safe and efficient anticancer nanodrug.

Graphical abstract: Gallic acid-loaded HFZIF-8 for tumor-targeted delivery and thermal-catalytic therapy

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 3 2024
10 4 2024
First published
11 4 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 9496-9508

Gallic acid-loaded HFZIF-8 for tumor-targeted delivery and thermal-catalytic therapy

X. Yang, C. Li, S. Liu, Y. Li, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, J. Ye, Y. Lu, Y. Fu and J. Xu, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 9496 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR01102C

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