Issue 45, 2024

Development of a two-dimensional peptide functionalized-reduced graphene oxide biomaterial for wound care applications


Increased incidences of antibiotic resistance have necessitated the development of novel wound disinfection strategies with minimal risk of resistance development. This study aimed at developing a biocompatible wound dressing biomaterial with the potential to treat acute and chronic wounds infected with multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A multifunctional antibacterial nanoconjugate was synthesized by covalently coupling a synthetically designed peptide (DP1, i.e., RFGRFLRKILRFLKK) with reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The conjugate displayed antibacterial and antibiofilm activities against multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In vitro studies demonstrated 94% hemocompatibility of the nanoconjugate even at concentrations as high as 512 μg mL−1. Cytotoxicity studies on 3T3-L1 cells showed 95% cell viability, signifying biocompatibility. Owing to these properties, the biomedical applicability of the nanoconjugate was assessed as an antibacterial wound dressing agent. rGO-DP1-loaded wound dressing exhibited enhanced reduction in bacterial bioburden (6 log 10 CFU) with potential for wound re-epithelization (77.3%) compared to the uncoated bandage. Moreover, an improvement in the material properties of the bandage was observed in terms of enhanced tensile strength and decreased elongation at break (%). Collectively, these findings suggest that rGO-DP1 is an effective biomaterial that, when loaded on wound dressings, has the potential to be used as a facile, sustainable and progressive agent for bacterial wound disinfection as well as healing.

Graphical abstract: Development of a two-dimensional peptide functionalized-reduced graphene oxide biomaterial for wound care applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 5 2024
03 10 2024
First published
11 10 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 20986-21001

Development of a two-dimensional peptide functionalized-reduced graphene oxide biomaterial for wound care applications

S. Joshi, P. Barman, M. Maan, H. Goyal, S. Sharma, R. Kumar, G. Verma and A. Saini, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 20986 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR02233E

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