Issue 15, 2024

Predicting valence tautomerism in diverse cobalt–dioxolene complexes: elucidation of the role of ligands and solvent


The ability of molecular switches to reversibly interconvert between different forms promises potential applications at the scale of single molecules up to bulk materials. One type of molecular switch comprises cobalt–dioxolene compounds that exhibit thermally-induced valence tautomerism (VT) interconversions between low spin Co(III)-catecholate (LS-CoIII-cat) and high spin Co(II)-semiquinonate (HS-CoII-sq) forms. Two families of these compounds have been investigated for decades but have generally been considered separately: neutral [Co(diox)(sq)(N2L)] and cationic [Co(diox)(N4L)]+ complexes (diox = generic dioxolene, N2L/N4L = bidentate/tetradentate N-donor ancillary ligand). Computational identification of promising new candidate compounds prior to experimental exploration is beneficial for environmental and cost considerations but requires a thorough understanding of the underlying thermochemical parameters that influence the switching. Herein, we report a robust approach for the analysis of both cobalt–dioxolene families, which involved a quantitative density functional theory-based study benchmarked with reliable quasi-experimental references. The best-performing M06L-D4/def2-TZVPP level of theory has subsequently been verified by the synthesis and experimental investigation of three new complexes, two of which exhibit thermally-induced VT, while the third remains in the LS-CoIII-cat form across all temperatures, in agreement with prediction. Valence tautomerism in solution is markedly solvent-dependent, but the origin of this has not been definitively established. We have extended our computational approach to elucidate the correlation of VT transition temperature with solvent stabilisation energy and change in dipole moment. This new understanding may inform the development of VT compounds for applications in soft materials including films, gels, and polymers.

Graphical abstract: Predicting valence tautomerism in diverse cobalt–dioxolene complexes: elucidation of the role of ligands and solvent

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
27 8 2023
08 3 2024
First published
12 3 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 5694-5710

Predicting valence tautomerism in diverse cobalt–dioxolene complexes: elucidation of the role of ligands and solvent

F. Z. M. Zahir, M. A. Hay, J. T. Janetzki, R. W. Gable, L. Goerigk and C. Boskovic, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 5694 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC04493A

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