Issue 8, 2024

Exploring a new short-wavelength nonlinear optical fluoride material featuring unprecedented polar cis-[Zr6F34]10− clusters


Traditional fluorides are rarely reported as candidates for nonlinear optical (NLO) materials featuring a deep-ultraviolet cutoff edge. Theoretical investigations suggest that the ZrF8 dodecahedron shows large polarizability anisotropy and benefits for large birefringence. Herein, a new fluorine-rich fluoride, K3Ba2Zr6F31, was synthesized by coupling the ZrF8 group, featuring acentric cis-[Zr6F34]10− clusters with a 63-screw axis. Significantly, K3Ba2Zr6F31 exhibits a short UV cutoff edge (below 200 nm) and moderate second-harmonic generation (SHG) response (0.5 × KH2PO4). It also possesses a relatively large birefringence (0.08@1064 nm), together with a broad transparency window (2.5–21.1 μm). First-principles calculations suggest that the cis-[Zr6F34]10− cluster built by ZrF8 dodecahedra are the dominant contributors to the large band gap (7.89 eV, cal.) and SHG response simultaneously. Such systematic work highlights that Zr-based fluorides afford a new paradigm for the development of efficient NLO materials with a short UV cutoff edge.

Graphical abstract: Exploring a new short-wavelength nonlinear optical fluoride material featuring unprecedented polar cis-[Zr6F34]10− clusters

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Article type
Edge Article
13 12 2023
15 1 2024
First published
15 1 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 2883-2888

Exploring a new short-wavelength nonlinear optical fluoride material featuring unprecedented polar cis-[Zr6F34]10− clusters

M. Yan, R. Tang, W. Yao, W. Liu and S. Guo, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 2883 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06683E

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