Issue 43, 2024

Enhancing the performance of molecule-based piezoelectric sensors by optimizing their microstructures


By combining the rigidity of inorganic components with the flexibility of organic components, molecule-based ferroelectrics emerge as promising candidates for flexible, self-powered piezoelectric sensors. While it is well known that the performance of piezoelectric sensor devices depends not only on the materials' piezoelectric properties but also on the device architecture, research into enhancing molecule-based piezoelectric sensor performance through microstructure optimization has never been investigated. Here, we report the synthesis of a molecule-based ferroelectric, [(2-bromoethyl) trimethylammonium][GaBr4] ([(CH3)3NCH2CH2Br][GaBr4]) (1), which exhibits a piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of up to 331 pC N−1. Our investigation reveals that the power density of a composite piezoelectric sensor device made from 1@S-PDMS(800#) (with microstructures) is twelve times that of 1–Flat-PDMS (without microstructures), due to a synergistic combination of piezoelectric and triboelectric effects. Interestingly, this flexible piezoelectric sensor can effectively detect human physiological signals, such as finger bending, breathing, and speech recognition, without the need for an external power supply.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing the performance of molecule-based piezoelectric sensors by optimizing their microstructures

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
14 8 2024
07 10 2024
First published
07 10 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 18060-18066

Enhancing the performance of molecule-based piezoelectric sensors by optimizing their microstructures

Z. Tang, B. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Huang, H. Zhao, L. Long and L. Zheng, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 18060 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC05442C

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