Issue 40, 2024

Influence of lipid vesicle properties on the function of conjugation dependent membrane active peptides


Membrane active peptides (MAPs) can provide novel means to trigger the release of liposome encapsulated drugs to improve the efficacy of liposomal drug delivery systems. Design of MAP-based release strategies requires possibilities to carefully tailor the interactions between the peptides and the lipid bilayer. Here we explore the influence of lipid vesicle properties on the function of conjugation-dependent MAPs, specifically focusing on two de novo designed peptides, JR2KC and CKV4. Utilizing liposomes with differences in size, lipid composition, and surface charge, we investigated the mechanisms and abilities of the peptides to induce controlled release of encapsulated cargo. Our findings indicate that liposome size modestly affects the structural changes and function of the peptides, with larger vesicles facilitating a minor increase in drug release efficiency due to higher peptide-to-liposome ratios. Notably, the introduction of negatively charged lipids significantly enhanced the release efficiency, predominantly through electrostatic interactions that favor peptide accumulation at the lipid bilayer interface and subsequent membrane disruption. The incorporation of cholesterol and a mix of saturated and unsaturated lipids was shown to alter the vesicle's phase behavior, thus modulating the membrane activity of the peptides. This was particularly evident in the cholesterol-enriched liposomes, where JR2KC induced lipid phase separation, markedly enhancing cargo release. Our results underscore the critical role of lipid vesicle composition in the design of MAP-based drug delivery systems, suggesting that precise tuning of lipid characteristics can significantly influence their performance.

Graphical abstract: Influence of lipid vesicle properties on the function of conjugation dependent membrane active peptides

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Article information

Article type
21 5 2024
04 9 2024
First published
05 9 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 10320-10331

Influence of lipid vesicle properties on the function of conjugation dependent membrane active peptides

A. Iversen, J. Utterström, L. P. Khare and D. Aili, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 10320 DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01107D

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