Issue 13, 2024

Near-infrared Cr3+-doped lead-free halide perovskite microcrystals for information encryption and temperature thermometry


Lead-free double perovskite materials have attracted lots of interest because they can be doped with luminescence activators to modify their optical characteristics and improve photoluminescence performances. Herein, a solvothermal method was utilized to synthesize single Cr3+-doped Cs2NaInCl6 phosphors. Under 292 nm excitation, Cr3+-doped Cs2NaInCl6 microparticles exhibited a strong broad near-infrared emission with a good photoluminescence quantum yield of 42.9%. The prepared sample exhibited a prominent peak at 960 nm and a full width at half maximum of 138 nm, which can be attributed to the spin-allowed transition (4T24A2) of Cr3+ ions. Additionally, the emission band of Cr3+ displayed a noticeable red shift as temperature increased owing to the variations in the strength of the crystal field. The thermometry based on the bandwidth and band-shift modes showed good sensitivities of 0.337 nm K−1 and 0.272 nm K−1, respectively. Finally, the security ink was made for information encryption.

Graphical abstract: Near-infrared Cr3+-doped lead-free halide perovskite microcrystals for information encryption and temperature thermometry

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Article information

Article type
04 12 2023
19 2 2024
First published
20 2 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 4627-4639

Near-infrared Cr3+-doped lead-free halide perovskite microcrystals for information encryption and temperature thermometry

W. Zhao, L. Li, F. Ling, Y. Wang, G. Xiang, X. Zhou, S. Jiang, Z. Yang, Y. Hua and J. S. Yu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 4627 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC04453J

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