Issue 43, 2024

n-Type redox-tuneable conducting polymer optical nanoantennas


Conducting polymers can be dynamically switched between being optically metallic (negative real permittivity) and dielectric (positive real permittivity) by varying their redox state. This has enabled nanoantennas with plasmonic resonances that can be reversibly turned on/off, opening for applications in dynamic metaoptics, reflective displays, and smart windows. However, previous reports on conducting polymer plasmonics were limited to p-type polymers. Here, we show that a highly conducting n-type polymer, called poly(benzodifurandione) (PBFDO), can also provide optically metallic properties and be used to make dynamic optical nanoantennas. The doped version of the polymer becomes metallic at wavelengths above around 700 nm, leading to plasmonic extinction peaks for nanodisks made from the material. These peaks can be reversibly switched off and on electrically or chemically by varying the doping level of the polymer. The study extends the field of dynamic polymer plasmonics to n-type materials and broadens the application areas of PBFDO.

Graphical abstract: n-Type redox-tuneable conducting polymer optical nanoantennas

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Article information

Article type
17 7 2024
17 9 2024
First published
02 10 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 17469-17474

n-Type redox-tuneable conducting polymer optical nanoantennas

S. Kazi, P. Bandaru, H. Tang, Y. Duan, S. Chen, F. Huang and M. P. Jonsson, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 17469 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03038A

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