Issue 47, 2024

A review on recent research progress in perovskite-based gas sensors


The release of toxic and harmful gases causes serious damage to the environment and human health. Novel perovskite gas-sensitive materials have been explored for the development of high-performance gas sensors for the detection of environmentally unfriendly gases. This review summarizes significant achievements in experimental research on perovskite gas sensors, including the optimal operating temperature, selectivity, sensitivity, detection limit, and stability of all perovskite gas-sensitive materials. Furthermore, we screen some promising perovskite candidates for gas sensors based on changes in the optical, electrical, and capacitance properties of perovskites in gas sensors. Finally, we discuss the challenges for performance improvement and successful development of perovskite gas sensors and predict the prospects of perovskite gas sensors for further studies.

Graphical abstract: A review on recent research progress in perovskite-based gas sensors

Article information

Article type
Review Article
23 8 2024
11 11 2024
First published
21 11 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 18972-18990

A review on recent research progress in perovskite-based gas sensors

M. Wang, X. Pei and D. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 18972 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03614J

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