Issue 10, 2025

Reactions of chalcogens and borane with phosphazane macrocycles assembled from diethanolamine and P2N2 building blocks


Phosphazanes of the type [ClP(μ-NR)]2 are excellent building blocks for the formation of a range of macrocycles. The condensation reaction of the bifunctional linkers, N-substituted diethanolamine with cyclodiphosphazane, [ClP(μ-NtBu)]2 leads to the formation of dimeric macrocycles, [{P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(R)(CH2)2O}]2; (R = Me (1), Ph (2)). Furthermore, the PIII centres of 1 and 2 were oxidized with chalcogens (O, S, and Se) to afford the corresponding PV macrocycles – [{(O[double bond, length as m-dash])P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(R)(CH2)2O}]2 (R = Me (3), Ph (4)); [{(S[double bond, length as m-dash])P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(R)(CH2)2O}]2 (R = Me (5), Ph (6)) and [{(Se[double bond, length as m-dash])P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(R)(CH2)2O}]2 (R = Me (7), Ph (8)). An investigation of the Lewis basic behavior of the dimeric macrocycles 1 and 2 was performed by treating them with BH3·SMe2, which resulted in Lewis adduct formation, incorporating a total of six BH3 molecules in the macrocyclic skeleton of 1, [{(BH3)P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(BH3)(Me)(CH2)2O}]2 (9) and four BH3 molecules in the macrocyclic skeleton of 2, [{(BH3)P(μ-NtBu)}2{O(CH2)2N(Ph)(CH2)2O}]2 (10). Compounds 9 and 10 constitute the first examples of the Lewis adduct of a P2N2 macrocycle with a main group Lewis acid. All the new compounds have been fully characterized using multinuclear NMR, HRMS, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (compounds 1–3, 8 and 9).

Graphical abstract: Reactions of chalcogens and borane with phosphazane macrocycles assembled from diethanolamine and P2N2 building blocks

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 11 2024
06 1 2025
First published
24 1 2025

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 4089-4095

Reactions of chalcogens and borane with phosphazane macrocycles assembled from diethanolamine and P2N2 building blocks

M. Goyal, C. Negi, N. K. Garg, S. Jain and S. Singh, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 4089 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT03229B

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