Volume 255, 2025

A machine learning approach for dynamical modelling of Al distributions in zeolites via23Na/27Al solid-state NMR


One of the main limitations in supporting experimental characterization of Al siting/pairing via modelling is the high computational cost of ab initio calculations. For this reason, most works rely on static or very short dynamical simulations, considering limited Al pairing/siting combinations. As a result, comparison with experiment suffers from a large degree of uncertainty. To alleviate this limitation we have developed neural network potentials (NNPs) which can dynamically sample across broad configurational and chemical spaces of sodium-form aluminosilicate zeolites, preserving the level of accuracy of the ab initio (dispersion-corrected metaGGA) training set. By exploring a wide range of Al/Na arrangements and a combination of experimentally relevant Si/Al ratios, we found that the 23Na NMR spectra of dehydrated high-silica CHA zeolite offer an opportunity to assess the distribution and pairing of Al atoms. We observed that the 23Na chemical shift is sensitive not only to the location of sodium in 6- and 8MRs, but also to the Al–Sin–Al sequence length. Furthermore, neglect of thermal and dynamical contributions was found to lead to errors of several ppm, and has a profound influence on the shape of the spectra and the dipolar coupling constants, thus necessitating the long-term dynamical simulations made feasible by NNPs. Finally, we obtained a predictive regression model for the 23Na chemical shift in CHA (Si/Al = 35, 17, 11) that circumvents the need for expensive NMR density functional calculations and can be easily extended to other zeolite frameworks. By combining NNPs and regression methods, we can expedite the simulations of NMR properties and capture the effect of dynamics on the spectra, which is often overlooked in computational studies despite its clear manifestation in experimental setups.

Graphical abstract: A machine learning approach for dynamical modelling of Al distributions in zeolites via23Na/27Al solid-state NMR

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13 5 2024
03 6 2024
First published
03 6 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Faraday Discuss., 2025,255, 46-71

A machine learning approach for dynamical modelling of Al distributions in zeolites via23Na/27Al solid-state NMR

C. Lei, C. Bornes, O. Bengtsson, A. Erlebach, B. Slater, L. Grajciar and C. J. Heard, Faraday Discuss., 2025, 255, 46 DOI: 10.1039/D4FD00100A

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