Issue 1, 2025

A triradical-containing trinuclear Pd(ii) complex: spin-polarized electronic transmission, analog resistive switching and neuromorphic advancements


Neuromorphic computation has emerged as a potential alternative to subvert the von Neumann bottleneck issue in conventional computing. In this context, the development of resistive switching-based memristor devices mimicking various synaptic functionalities has engendered paramount attention. Here, we report a triradical-containing trinuclear Pd(II) cluster with a cyclohexane-like framework constituted by the Pd–Se coordination motif displaying facile memristor property with neuromorphic functionality as a thin-film device. The metal–ligand complex (complex 1) possessed an St = 1/2 ground state by experiencing a spin-frustrated-type magnetic coupling phenomenon amongst the three ligand-based organic radicals (SR = 1/2), coordinated to the Pd(II) ions. Three reversible one-electron reduction waves countered with a one-electron and one two-electron reversible oxidation waves were noticed in the cyclic voltammogram of the complex, confirming electrons accepting and releasing capacity of the complex at low potentials, i.e., within +0.2 V to −1.1 V. Employing the radical-containing complex 1 as the active thin-film sandwiched between two orthogonal electrodes, resistive switching based memristor property with biological synaptic actions were successfully emulated. Intriguingly, the artificial neural network (ANN) simulated efficient pattern recognition demonstrated using the recorded potentiation and depression curves from the device, which is a step ahead for the hardware realization of neuromorphic computing. The performance of the ANN on MNIST data with reduced image resolution has further been evaluated. Density functional theory (DFT)-based theoretical calculation predicted that the spin-polarized electronic transmission substantiated the memristive property in the neutral complex 1.

Graphical abstract: A triradical-containing trinuclear Pd(ii) complex: spin-polarized electronic transmission, analog resistive switching and neuromorphic advancements

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Article type
17 7 2024
23 10 2024
First published
23 10 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Horiz., 2025,12, 246-257

A triradical-containing trinuclear Pd(II) complex: spin-polarized electronic transmission, analog resistive switching and neuromorphic advancements

P. Sarkar, L. T. Manamel, P. Saha, C. Jana, A. Sarmah, K. U. Mohanan, B. C. Das and C. Mukherjee, Mater. Horiz., 2025, 12, 246 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00928B

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