Issue 3, 2025

Machine learning-guided discovery of gas evolving electrode bubble inactivation


The adverse effects of electrochemical bubbles on the performance of gas-evolving electrodes are well known, but studies on the degree of adhered bubble-caused inactivation, and how inactivation changes during bubble evolution are limited. We study electrode inactivation caused by oxygen evolution while using surface engineering to control bubble formation. We find that the inactivation of the entire projected area, as is currently believed, is a poor approximation which leads to non-physical results. Using a machine learning-based image-based bubble detection method to analyze large quantities of experimental data, we show that bubble impacts are small for surface engineered electrodes which promote high bubble projected areas while maintaining low direct bubble contact. We thus propose a simple methodology for more accurately estimating the true extent of bubble inactivation, which is closer to the area which is directly in contact with the bubbles.

Graphical abstract: Machine learning-guided discovery of gas evolving electrode bubble inactivation

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Article information

Article type
25 6 2024
19 9 2024
First published
08 10 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 1270-1281

Machine learning-guided discovery of gas evolving electrode bubble inactivation

J. R. Lake, S. Rufer, J. James, N. Pruyne, A. Scourtas, M. Schwarting, A. Ambadkar, I. Foster, B. Blaiszik and K. K. Varanasi, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 1270 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR02628D

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