Issue 8, 2025

Fluoride binding-modulated supramolecular chirality of urea-containing triarylamine and its photo-manifestation


In recent years, the regulation of anion-mediated chiral assemblies has gained significant interest. This study investigated the modulation of supramolecular chiroptical signals and chiral assembled structures in a triarylamine system containing a urea moiety through fluoride ion–urea bond interactions, aiming to understand the chiral sense amplification in supramolecular assemblies. Chiral triarylamine derivatives containing urea or amide units were synthesized and the self-assemblies were examined in the absence and presence of fluoride ions. The results revealed that the addition of F led to an increase in the circular dichroism (CD) intensity for the triarylamine compounds containing urea, accompanied by a transformation of the nanofiber structure into chiral twists. Comparative studies with other anions confirmed the selective specificity for F. Additionally, the combination of photo-induced triarylamine anion radicals allowed the F in the system to be visualized through photoirradiation, resulting in distinct colour changes that were detectable by the naked eye. The research demonstrates that F can selectively amplify supramolecular chirality through urea–F interactions, which may have promising applications in the fields of sensing and chiroptical devices.

Graphical abstract: Fluoride binding-modulated supramolecular chirality of urea-containing triarylamine and its photo-manifestation

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Article information

Article type
10 10 2024
23 12 2024
First published
27 12 2024

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 4400-4407

Fluoride binding-modulated supramolecular chirality of urea-containing triarylamine and its photo-manifestation

S. Ma, X. Wen, Y. Jiang, J. Jiang, W. Hao, L. Zhang and M. Liu, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 4400 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04175E

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