Exploring piezoelectric and piezophototronic properties of nanostructured LN-ZnSnS3 for photoresponsive vibrational energy harvesting


Piezoelectric energy harvesters have for some time been an advanced choice for self-powered electronics. While oxide-based piezoelectric nanomaterials are well studied for their quality mechanical energy harvesting potential, recent interest in developing multifunctional nanomaterials for harvesting simultaneous ferroelectric/piezoelectric and light energy for photodetectors, photovoltaics and piezophototronics has impelled the search for newer semiconducting dipolar materials. In this respect, LiNbO3 type-ZnSnS3 (LN-ZTS) is predicted to have low optical band gap energy and to possess a considerably expanded hexagonal R3c lattice with high ferroelectricity. Although it has been stabilised in thin-film form, the exclusive synthesis of LN-ZTS nanocrystals has not been reported. In this article, we report a one-step synthesis for R3c hexagonal LN-type ZnSnS3 (ZTS) nanoflakes and show that they could be highly desirable candidates for light-responsive mechanical energy harvesting via an impressive piezophototronic effect. A piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of ∼19 pm V−1 was measured using piezoresponse force microscopy and a considerable zero-bias photoconduction current was observed, which was utilized to harvest an output power of ∼0.13 μW cm−2 from an induced light intensity of 100 mW cm−2 under a mechanical impact of 17 N and 3 Hz. These findings establish a previously unreported ternary sulfide piezoelectric nanostructured material as potential candidate for designing piezophototronic devices by coupling optical functionalities and piezoelectric responses.

Graphical abstract: Exploring piezoelectric and piezophototronic properties of nanostructured LN-ZnSnS3 for photoresponsive vibrational energy harvesting

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Article information

Article type
12 12 2024
14 2 2025
First published
17 2 2025

Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article

Exploring piezoelectric and piezophototronic properties of nanostructured LN-ZnSnS3 for photoresponsive vibrational energy harvesting

S. Das, S. Paul and A. Datta, Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4NR05246C

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