Issue 5, 2025

Tuning the interlayer stacking of a vinylene-linked covalent organic framework for enhancing sacrificial agent-free hydrogen peroxide photoproduction


The layer-stacking mode of a two-dimensional (2D) material plays a dominant role either in its topology or properties, but remains challenging to control. Herein, we developed alkali-metal ion-regulating synthetic control on the stacking structure of a vinylene-linked covalent triazine framework (termed sp2c-CTF) for improving hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) photoproduction. Upon the catalysis of EtONa in Knoevenagel polycondensation, a typical eclipsed stacking mode (sp2c-CTF-4@AA) was built, while a staggered one (sp2c-CTF-4@AB) was constructed using LiOH. The AB stacking might be induced by the Li+ promoted Lewis acid–base interactions with the nitrogen atoms of s-triazine units which would endow the s-triazine units with a charged state and enlarge the total crystal stacking energy. Specifically, the shift in the stacking mode speeds up electron transfer within each layer and along interlayers, thereby improving the photocatalytic activity. sp2c-CTF-4@AB features superior activity over the eclipsed stacking counterpart (sp2c-CTF-4@AA) in sacrificial agent-free H2O2 generation, comparable to the state-of-the-art COF photocatalysts, which has not been demonstrated in this field before. This work demonstrates that regulating the interlayer-stacking mode of COFs can endow them with high photocatalytic activity, further inspiring the development of heterogeneous catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Tuning the interlayer stacking of a vinylene-linked covalent organic framework for enhancing sacrificial agent-free hydrogen peroxide photoproduction

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Article type
Edge Article
23 9 2024
16 12 2024
First published
08 1 2025
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 2215-2221

Tuning the interlayer stacking of a vinylene-linked covalent organic framework for enhancing sacrificial agent-free hydrogen peroxide photoproduction

Q. Xie, A. Chen, X. Li, C. Xu, S. Bi, W. Zhang, J. Tang, C. Pan, F. Zhang and G. Yu, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 2215 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06451H

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