Issue 4, 2025

Chemical modulation and defect engineering in high-performance GeTe-based thermoelectrics


Thermoelectric technology plays an important role in developing sustainable clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, offering new opportunities to alleviate current energy and environmental crises. Nowadays, GeTe has emerged as a highly promising thermoelectric candidate for mid-temperature applications, due to its remarkable thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) of 2.7. This review presents a thorough overview of the advancements in GeTe thermoelectric materials, meticulously detailing the crystal structure, chemical bonding characteristics, band structure, and phonon dynamics to elucidate the underlying mechanisms that contribute to their exceptional performance. Moreover, the phase transition in GeTe introduces unique degrees of freedom that enable multiple pathways for property optimization. In terms of electrical properties, noticeable enhancement can be realized through strategies such as band structure modulation, carrier concentration engineering, and vacancy engineering. For phonon transport properties, by incorporating defect structures with varying dimensions and constructing multi-scale hierarchical architectures, phonons can be effectively scattered across different wavelengths. Additionally, we provide a summary of current research on devices and modules of GeTe. This review encapsulates historical progress while projecting future development trends that will facilitate the practical application of GeTe in alignment with environmentally sustainable objectives.

Graphical abstract: Chemical modulation and defect engineering in high-performance GeTe-based thermoelectrics

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 9 2024
20 12 2024
First published
06 1 2025
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 1617-1651

Chemical modulation and defect engineering in high-performance GeTe-based thermoelectrics

Y. Jiang, J. Yu, H. Li, H. Zhuang and J. Li, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 1617 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06615D

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