Issue 2, 2025

The challenges and strategies towards high-performance anode-free post-lithium metal batteries


With the merits of high theoretical energy density and ease of manufacture, anode-free post-lithium metal batteries have drawn extensive attention and have been rapidly emerging in recent years. However, the poor reversibility of metal anodes has severely hindered the realization of high-performance anode-free batteries. In this review, the critical challenges and strategies for achieving high-performance anode-free metal batteries are first elucidated. Then, the significant research studies devoted to promoting the reversibility of metal anodes for anode-free post-lithium (including sodium-, potassium- and zinc-) metal batteries are exclusively discussed to extract the principles for their practical implementation. Additionally, remedial solutions of supplying metal to the anode for improving the cyclability of anode-free batteries are also introduced. Finally, we summarize the advancements in anode-free post-lithium metal batteries, and propose some promising directions in this area. This review aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding towards the strategies for achieving highly reversible anode-free post-lithium metal batteries and a timely overview of the latest developments in this emerging field.

Graphical abstract: The challenges and strategies towards high-performance anode-free post-lithium metal batteries

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 9 2024
22 11 2024
First published
11 12 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 552-574

The challenges and strategies towards high-performance anode-free post-lithium metal batteries

J. Wang, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhuo, K. Fang, S. Wang, B. Zhao, J. Zhou and H. Wang, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 552 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06630H

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