Issue 2, 2025

A fluorobenzene-bound dysprosium half-sandwich dication single-molecule magnet


Dysprosium single-molecule magnets (SMMs) with two mutually trans-anionic ligands have shown large crystal field (CF) splitting, giving record effective energy barriers to magnetic reversal (Ueff) and hysteresis temperatures (TH). However, these complexes tend to be bent, imposing a transverse field that reduces the purity of the mJ projections of the CF states and promotes magnetic relaxation. A complex with only one charge-dense anionic ligand could have more pure CF states, and thus high Ueff and TH. Here we report an SMM with this topology, a half-sandwich Dy(III) complex [Dy(Cp*)(FPh)6][{Al[OC(CF3)3]3}2(μ-F)]2 (1-Dy; Cp* = C5Me5), and its Y(III) analogue 1-Y; 1-Dy exhibits Ueff = 545(30) cm−1 and TH = 14 K at sweep rates of 22 Oe s−1. The Cp* ligand imposes a strong axial CF, which is assisted by one axial fluorobenzene; the five equatorially-bound neutral fluorobenzenes present only weak transverse interactions to give a pseudo-pentagonal bipyramidal geometry. The salt metathesis reaction of 1-Y with KCp′′′ (Cp′′′ = {C5H2(SiMe3)3-1,2,4}) gave the sandwich complex [Y(Cp′′′)(Cp*)(FPh)2][{Al[OC(CF3)3]3}2(μ-F)] (4-Y), showing that the fluorobenzenes of 1-Y are easily displaced. We envisage that these methodologies could be adapted in future to prepare high-performance axial Dy SMMs with ligands that are more sterically demanding than Cp*.

Graphical abstract: A fluorobenzene-bound dysprosium half-sandwich dication single-molecule magnet

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Article type
Edge Article
01 10 2024
23 11 2024
First published
04 12 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 610-620

A fluorobenzene-bound dysprosium half-sandwich dication single-molecule magnet

S. C. Corner, W. J. A. Blackmore, G. K. Gransbury, A. Mattioni, G. F. S. Whitehead, N. F. Chilton and D. P. Mills, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 610 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06661H

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