Precise functionalization in nano-confinement: a bottom-up approach to the evolution of selective molecular receptors


Precise molecular recognition depends on the delicate interplay between a guest molecule and a host possessing complementary functional groups. The de novo design of selective artificial receptors remains a formidable challenge, given the complexity of predicting these interactions. We present herein a bottom-up approach to the evolution of selective molecular receptors through precise endo-functionalization of a supramolecular cage. Internal functional groups were introduced within the heteroleptic palladium coordination cage in a site-precise fashion. With just five different functional groups, we successfully created a library of 32 isoreticular nano-cages, each featuring a unique micro-environment, by varying the nature, location and combination of endo-functional groups. The nano-cage exhibited adaptive recognition ability towards guest molecules of distinct geometries and hydrogen bonding capabilities. Titration experiments demonstrated that the binding affinity for a specific guest can be finely tuned and optimized by changing the endo-functional groups. As a proof of principle, by strategically screening our nano-cage library, we identified a receptor with high affinity and specificity for the dihydrogen phosphate guest. X-ray analysis and DFT calculation highlighted the pivotal role of the synergistic interactions among distinct endo-functional groups in achieving high-fidelity molecular recognition. This study is expected to provide a versatile solution for the bottom-up construction of tailor-made molecular receptors.

Graphical abstract: Precise functionalization in nano-confinement: a bottom-up approach to the evolution of selective molecular receptors

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Article type
Edge Article
02 12 2024
17 1 2025
First published
20 1 2025
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article

Precise functionalization in nano-confinement: a bottom-up approach to the evolution of selective molecular receptors

Y. Tan, L. Zhang, Q. Bai, Z. Zhang, P. Wang and Q. Zhang, Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4SC08176E

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