Highly oxidative GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 heterostructure as a visible-light-driven, round-the-clock photocatalyst for dye degradation and disinfection


A significant challenge in the application of photocatalysis in environmental remediation is maintaining high catalytic activity day and night, even during extreme weathers. In this study, a unique round-the-clock GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 photocatalyst facilitating the effective separation and simultaneous storage of photogenerated electrons and holes was constructed via the facile post-treatment of soaking segregated wurtzite GaN:ZnO particles in a nonvolatile trihalide ionic liquid of [P44410][Br3], followed by air-annealing. The obtained GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 heterostructure facilitated spontaneous generation of reactive oxygen species, including ·OH, 1O2 and ·O2. GaN:ZnO in the heterostructure harvested visible light, stored photoelectrons, and absorbed O2 at oxygen vacancies (VO) to produce ·O2. For the first time, gallium vacancy (VGa)-rich α-Ga2O3 is proposed as a hole-storage material in this paper. The point defects of VO and VGa in α-Ga2O3 played a vital role in absorbing H2O/O2 molecules, trapping photogenerated holes, and forming ·OH and 1O2. α-Ga2O3 is energetically more inclined to adsorb and dissociate H2O molecules at VO, forming predominant active species of ·OH owing to the high valence band edge of 3.918 eV, which endowed the photocatalyst with strong oxidizing ability. Consequently, the GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 heterostructure exhibited an excellent catalytic performance in the degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) in solution, even in the dark, and showed high antibacterial activities towards Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in the dark and under sunlight irradiation. These new findings form a solid basis for the design and fabrication of highly oxidative visible-light-driven photocatalysts for round-the-clock water/air purification.

Graphical abstract: Highly oxidative GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 heterostructure as a visible-light-driven, round-the-clock photocatalyst for dye degradation and disinfection

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Article information

Article type
19 12 2024
29 1 2025
First published
01 2 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article

Highly oxidative GaN:ZnO@α-Ga2O3 heterostructure as a visible-light-driven, round-the-clock photocatalyst for dye degradation and disinfection

Y. Hu, Z. Zhao, J. Jiang, Y. Huang, H. Ji, D. Zhu, L. Zhang, L. Zhan, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, K. Wu, Y. Yang, T. Chai, S. Wu and G. Song, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA09029B

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