Screening Efficient Pt-based Dual-Metal Atomic-Level Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction


In this work, a computer aided screening strategy and density functional theory (DFT) are used together to screen and identify high-performance Pt-based dual-atom catalysts PtM-L6@Gra (M = 3d, 4d, 5d, L = N, C, B) for oxygen reduction reactions (ORR). Comprehensive studies demonstrated that six representative electrocatalysts (i.e., PtCo-C6@Gra, PtNi-C6@Gra, PtZn-C6@Gra, PtFe-N6@Gra, PtCo-N6@Gra, PtNi-N6@Gra) show high ORR catalytic activities under both acidic and basic conditions with favorable overpotentials (among them, PtZn-C6@Gra is the best candidate with the lowest ηORR of 0.49 V). The ORR follows a 4-electron mechanism with the final product H2O/OH. PtFe-, PtCo-, PtNi-N6@Gra and PtCo-, PtNi-, PtZn-C6@Gra demonstrate superior activities with low ηORR due to their moderate adsorption strength of *OH. More importantly, intrinsic physical quantities are used to construct diverse and effective descriptors (such as (d*(Pt-M) + χM) × ΔG*→*O2, (d*(Pt-M) + χM) × ΔG*OH→*+OH-, (avg[da(Pt-M)] + χM) × ΔG*→*O2 and (avg[da(Pt-M)] + χM) × ΔG*OH→*+OH-) for rapid screening and identifying the promising electrocatalysts, unveiling the mechanism, and establishing the structure-activity relationship. The present study opens up an important route for the development of efficient low Pt catalysts for ORR, and will inspire the follow-up experimental and theoretical activities in this direction.

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07 1 2025
28 2 2025
First published
04 3 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Screening Efficient Pt-based Dual-Metal Atomic-Level Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction

L. Yang, J. Jia, X. Zhang, B. Song and H. Hamid, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D5TA00134J

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