Issue 5, 2025

Recent advancements in chiral spintronics: from molecular-level insights to device applications. A prospect based on the interplay between physical and chemical properties of chiral systems


This review discusses recent advancements in chiral-based spin-electronic devices achieved using suitable combinations of organic, inorganic and hybrid materials. The focus is on how chirality can be effectively used to control spin in practical applications, particularly in spintronic sensors and consumer devices. Interestingly, the underlying mechanism for this control is the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, which links the structural chirality of a material to its spin-selective electronic transport properties. The CISS effect arises from the observation that charge transmission in chiral systems is spin selective. Experimental evidence suggests a relationship between electron spin and the structural handedness of the material. This unique structure-transport relationship can be exploited to design a wide range of spintronics devices, including memory, transistors, logic gates and molecular q-bits.

Graphical abstract: Recent advancements in chiral spintronics: from molecular-level insights to device applications. A prospect based on the interplay between physical and chemical properties of chiral systems

Article information

Article type
13 8 2024
12 12 2024
First published
19 12 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 2121-2134

Recent advancements in chiral spintronics: from molecular-level insights to device applications. A prospect based on the interplay between physical and chemical properties of chiral systems

S. Mishra, A. C. Jones and C. Fontanesi, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 2121 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03453H

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