Issue 1, 2025

High stability of robust anti-thermal-quenching lead-free double perovskite crystals for optoelectronic devices and high-performance fibers


Lead-free double perovskites are environmentally friendly, and their good photoelectric efficiency has received widespread attention. However, the stability and efficiency of lead-free perovskites need to be further improved to meet the growing application needs. In this study, thermally quenched perovskite (Cs2NaHoCl6) crystals (PCs) were successfully synthesized by co-precipitation. By doping with Sb3+, the excitation wavelength of the original perovskite increased significantly to 250–360 nm, and the emission wavelength of the original perovskite also increased significantly to 660 nm. Cs2NaHoCl6:Sb3+ PCs are made of red and white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for general lighting applications. In addition, Cs2NaHoCl6:Sb3+ PCs are made into flexible luminescent fibers with aramid/polyphenylene sulfide (ACFs/PPS) composite fibers. Based on the good thermal quenching resistance of Cs2NaHoCl6:Sb3+ PCs, the flexible luminescent fibers showed excellent high-temperature luminescence stability. At 125 °C, flexible luminescent fibers retained 99.8% of the original luminescence intensity; at 250 °C, they retained 75.6% of the original. These flexible luminescent fibers have the potential to be used in fluorescence detection in high-temperature environments. In summary, this study used a simple method to prepare lead-free perovskites with good optical properties and stability, expanding the application of perovskites in the field of fibers.

Graphical abstract: High stability of robust anti-thermal-quenching lead-free double perovskite crystals for optoelectronic devices and high-performance fibers

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Article information

Article type
02 9 2024
28 10 2024
First published
29 10 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 456-464

High stability of robust anti-thermal-quenching lead-free double perovskite crystals for optoelectronic devices and high-performance fibers

X. Zhang, Y. Zheng, K. Nie, X. Zhang, X. Duan, Z. Hu, M. Yang, L. Mei, L. Wang, H. Wang, M. Li and X. Ma, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 456 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03773A

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