Issue 7, 2025

Deep ultraviolet transparent borophosphates LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) and LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O exhibiting a moderate second-harmonic generation response


There is still a high demand for new deep ultraviolet (deep-UV) nonlinear optical (NLO) materials, but synthesizing an ideal deep-UV NLO crystal remains a significant challenge. In this work, three borophosphate crystals, LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) and LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O, have been obtained via a solid-state reaction in a closed system. LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) crystallize in the acentric P212121 space group with a three-dimensional (3D) anion framework, while LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O belongs to the C2 space group with a two-dimensional (2D) anion framework. The mechanism of the nonpolar to polar space group transition of LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) and LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O is investigated. Furthermore, the structure of borophosphates with a B/P ratio of 1 : 1 is discussed, which possess a variety of functional building blocks (FBBs) and connection modes. LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) exhibit short cutoff edges (< 200 nm), and second harmonic generation (SHG) responses of 0.4, and 0.9 × KH2PO4 (KDP), respectively. Additionally, structure–function correlation was investigated through theoretical calculations. This work offers valuable insight for the subsequent exploration of borophosphate deep-UV NLO materials.

Graphical abstract: Deep ultraviolet transparent borophosphates LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) and LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O exhibiting a moderate second-harmonic generation response

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Article information

Article type
22 11 2024
20 12 2024
First published
23 12 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 3251-3258

Deep ultraviolet transparent borophosphates LiAB2P2O9 (A = NH4, K) and LiNaB2P2O8(OH)2·H2O exhibiting a moderate second-harmonic generation response

H. Zhao, C. Li, J. Lu, Z. Yang, J. Han and S. Pan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 3251 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC04947K

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