Issue 16, 2012

Discovery of 2-aminobuta-1,3-enynes in asymmetric organocascade catalysis: construction of drug-like spirocyclic cyclohexanes having five to six contiguous stereocenters


We present herein for the first time the asymmetric synthesis of drug-like spiranes through reflexive-Michael reaction by using 2-aminobuta-1,3-enyne catalysis under mild conditions.

Graphical abstract: Discovery of 2-aminobuta-1,3-enynes in asymmetric organocascade catalysis: construction of drug-like spirocyclic cyclohexanes having five to six contiguous stereocenters

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Article information

Article type
20 11 2011
22 12 2011
First published
03 1 2012

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 2252-2254

Discovery of 2-aminobuta-1,3-enynes in asymmetric organocascade catalysis: construction of drug-like spirocyclic cyclohexanes having five to six contiguous stereocenters

D. B. Ramachary, C. Venkaiah and P. Murali Krishna, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 2252 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC17219D

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