Issue 27, 2023

Nitrogen rejection in natural gas using NaZSM-25 zeolite


Natural gas reservoirs usually contain considerable amounts of nitrogen (N2). Methane (CH4) as the main component in natural gas must be purified before transferring to the pipeline or storing as liquified natural gas (LNG). Currently, energy-intensive cryogenic distillation is the only industrial approach for N2 rejection in natural gas. The adsorption process based on a N2-selective adsorbent can minimize the separation cost. However, the search for an adsorbent that can selectively reject N2 in natural gas has lasted for decades. Here, we report a microporous zeolite called NaZSM-25 capable of adsorbing N2 over CH4 with an exceptional selectivity of 47 at room temperature that outperforms all previously known N2-selective adsorbents. At 295 K and 100 kPa, the N2 and CH4 uptakes on NaZSM-25 were 0.25 and 0.005 mmol g−1, respectively. CH4 showed negligible external surface adsorption in the whole temperature range of 273–323 K. Theoretical studies through replica exchanged Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and ab initio density functional theory (DFT) proved the diffusion limitation of CH4 as a result of 8-membered ring (8MR) pore opening deformation by Na+ cation. The DFT results showed the diffusion energy barriers of 63 and 96 kJ mol−1 for N2 and CH4, respectively, when passing an 8MR occupied with a Na+. NaZSM-25 is a promising adsorbent to be utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process at room temperature to minimize the energy consumption in N2 rejection units.

Graphical abstract: Nitrogen rejection in natural gas using NaZSM-25 zeolite

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Article information

Article type
21 4 2023
24 6 2023
First published
26 6 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 18259-18265

Nitrogen rejection in natural gas using NaZSM-25 zeolite

S. H. Mousavi, J. Tamnanloo, A. H. Mokarizadeh, A. Zavabeti, J. Z. Liu and G. K. Li, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 18259 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP01834B

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