Nanomaterials enabled and enhanced DNA-based biosensors
DNA has excellent molecular recognition properties. At the same time, DNA has a programmable structure, high stability, and can be easily modified, making DNA attractive for biosensor design. To convert DNA hybridization or aptamer binding events to physically detectable signals, various nanomaterials have been extensively exploited to take advantage of their optical and surface properties. A popular sensing scheme is through the adsorption of a fluorescently-labeled DNA probe, where detection is achieved by target-induced probe desorption and fluorescence recovery. Another method is to use DNA to protect the colloidal stability of nanomaterials, where subsequent target binding can decrease the protection ability and induce aggregation; this method has mainly been used for gold nanoparticles. This Perspective summarizes some of our work in examining the sensing mechanisms, and we articulate the importance of the understanding of DNA/surface and target/surface interactions for the development of practical DNA-based biosensors.
- This article is part of the themed collections: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C 10th Anniversary Perspectives, 2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry B HOT Papers and Journal of Materials Chemistry B Recent Review Articles