Issue 19, 2024

Optical blood glucose non-invasive detection and its research progress


Blood glucose concentration is an important index for the diagnosis of diabetes, its self-monitoring technology is the method for scientific diabetes management. Currently, the typical household blood glucose meters have achieved great success in diabetes management, but they are discrete detection methods, and involve invasive blood sampling procedures. Optical detection technologies, which use the physical properties of light to detect the glucose concentration in body fluids non-invasively, have shown great potential in non-invasive blood glucose detection. This article summarized and analyzed the basic principles, research status, existing problems, and application prospects of different optical glucose detection technologies. In addition, this article also discusses the problems of optical detection technology in wearable sensors and perspectives on the future of non-invasive blood glucose detection technology to improve blood glucose monitoring in diabetic patients.

Graphical abstract: Optical blood glucose non-invasive detection and its research progress

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
01 8 2024
03 9 2024
First published
04 9 2024

Analyst, 2024,149, 4830-4841

Optical blood glucose non-invasive detection and its research progress

Z. Peng and Z. Yang, Analyst, 2024, 149, 4830 DOI: 10.1039/D4AN01048E

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