Issue 18, 2024

Evolution of Mn–Bi2O3 from the Mn-doped Bi3O4Br electro(pre)catalyst during the oxygen evolution reaction


Mn-doped Bi3O4Br has been synthesized using a solvothermal route. The undoped Bi3O4Br and Mn–Bi3O4Br materials possess orthorhombic unit cells with two distinct Bi sites forming a layered atomic arrangement. The shift in the (020) plane in the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern confirms Mn-doping in the Bi3O4Br lattice. Elemental mapping indicated 7% Mn doping in the Bi3O4Br lattice structure. A core-level X-ray photoelectron study (XPS) indicates the presence of BiIII and MnII valence-states in Mn–Bi3O4Br. Doping with a cation (MnII) containing a different charge and ionic radius resulted in vacancy/defects in Mn–Bi3O4Br which further altered its electronic structure by reducing the indirect band gap, beneficial for electron conduction and electrocatalysis. The irreversible MnII to MnIII transformation at a potential of 1.48 V (vs. RHE) precedes the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The Mn-doped electrocatalyst achieved 10 mA cm−2 current density at 337 mV overpotential, while the pristine Bi3O4Br required 385 mV overpotential to reach the same activity. The pronounced OER activity of the Mn–Bi3O4Br sample over the pristine Bi3O4Br highlights the necessity of MnII doping. The superior activity of the Mn–Bi3O4Br catalyst over that of Bi3O4Br is due to a low Tafel slope, better double-layer capacitance (Cdl), and small charge-transfer resistance (Rct). The chronoamperometry (CA) study depicts long-term stability for 12 h at 20 mA cm−2. An electrolyzer fabricated as Pt(−)/(+)Mn–Bi3O4Br can deliver 10 mA cm−2 at a cell potential of 2.05 V. The post-CA-OER analyses of the anode confirmed the leaching of [Br] followed by in situ formation of Mn-doped Bi2O3 as the electrocatalytically active species. Herein, an ultra-low Mn-doping into Bi3O4Br leads to an improvement in the electrocatalytic performance of the inactive Bi3O4Br material.

Graphical abstract: Evolution of Mn–Bi2O3 from the Mn-doped Bi3O4Br electro(pre)catalyst during the oxygen evolution reaction

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
02 3 2024
13 4 2024
First published
16 4 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 8020-8032

Evolution of Mn–Bi2O3 from the Mn-doped Bi3O4Br electro(pre)catalyst during the oxygen evolution reaction

A. Kundu, A. K. Dhillon, R. Singh, S. Barman, S. Siddhanta and B. Chakraborty, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 8020 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT00633J

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