Issue 48, 2024

High-temperature oxidation behavior of transition metal complex concentrated alloys (TM-CCAs): a comprehensive review


The increasing demand for high-efficiency heat engines, along with advancements in the power generation and aerospace industries, necessitates the development of high-temperature (HT) alloys with superior mechanical properties, as well as enhanced oxidation and corrosion resistance. This review comprehensively examines the potential of complex concentrated alloys (CCAs) to meet these demands. Beginning with an overview of the extensively studied Cantor alloy systems, it explores the effects of elemental additions and substitutions-such as Al, Nb, Cu, and Si-on the oxidation behavior of CCAs. The review delves into the mechanisms of oxide scale formation and design strategies for enhancing oxidation resistance. Additionally, it emphasizes the integration of advanced computational techniques and machine learning for alloy development. By synthesizing existing research, this review identifies key knowledge gaps and offers a solid foundation for future CCA research, guiding the intelligent design of next-generation HT alloys.

Graphical abstract: High-temperature oxidation behavior of transition metal complex concentrated alloys (TM-CCAs): a comprehensive review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 8 2024
25 10 2024
First published
22 11 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 33488-33517

High-temperature oxidation behavior of transition metal complex concentrated alloys (TM-CCAs): a comprehensive review

H. Sun, E. Seto, M. Li and J. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 33488 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06071G

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