Issue 47, 2024

A π–d conjugated metal–organic framework decorated on a MXene-carbon nanofiber as a self-standing electrode for flexible supercapacitors


Flexible electrode materials have gained significant breakthroughs recently due to their freestanding nature and long-term stability. The integration of MXene into carbon nanofiber leads to improved conductivity and stability. Herein, we employed an electrospinning technique to prepare self-standing MXene (Ti3C2Tx) carbon nanofiber (MX-CNF), onto which a one-dimensional π–d conjugated conductive metal–organic framework (c-MOF) is uniformly coated, exhibiting outstanding properties. The enhanced specific capacitance and conductivity is due to π–d mode of electron transfer in c-MOF on MX-CNF leads to improved conductivity. The obtained composite material achieved a specific capacitance of 1076 F g−1 with an excellent rate capability and superior cycling retention of 86.4% after 15 000 cycles owing to its self-standing nature and ultra-stability. The electrode materials show better conductivity, hydrophilicity, and flexibility. A fabricated flexible asymmetric energy storage device achieved an energy density of 45.7 W h kg−1 with outstanding cycling stability. The flexible device was tested for different bending angles, maintaining its flexibility and ensuring no deformation occurred. The CV curves retains its orignal shapes at different bending angles. This work offers a new avenue for utilizing 1D conductive MOF on 2D material-based conductive nanofibers for flexible energy storage systems.

Graphical abstract: A π–d conjugated metal–organic framework decorated on a MXene-carbon nanofiber as a self-standing electrode for flexible supercapacitors

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Article information

Article type
02 9 2024
29 10 2024
First published
12 11 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 32937-32946

A π–d conjugated metal–organic framework decorated on a MXene-carbon nanofiber as a self-standing electrode for flexible supercapacitors

Z. Abbas and S. M. Mobin, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 32937 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06232A

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