Issue 3, 2025

Tb(iii)-functionalized MOF hybridized bis-crosslinked networked hydrogel luminescent films for arginine and dopamine hydrochloride sensing and anticounterfeiting


Dopamine and arginine are both important substances in the body and are closely related to human health. Timely detection of their concentration abnormalities is of great significance to the prevention of disease. In this work, a Tb3+-functionalized Eu-MOF hybridized double network hydrogel film (Tb@Eu-MOF@PVA/SA) was prepared by a simple synthesis, which can accurately detect arginine (Arg) and dopamine hydrochloride (DH). Meanwhile, the hydrogel acquired good mechanical properties through crosslinking of Tb3+and freeze–thaw cycles. The free carboxyl groups on the surface of the Eu-MOF in this hydrogel film can bind to Tb3+ and sensitize it to emit light through the “antenna effect”, thus forming a fluorescent hydrogel film with dual emission centers. By testing two kinds of detectors and controlling different excitation wavelengths, we can realize the encryption and decryption of information and build an anti-counterfeiting platform to improve the level of information security. The present work not only provides a case study for the preparation of dual-emission Tb3+-functionalized Eu-MOF hybridized dual-network hydrogel films, but also provides ideas for the development of multifunctional luminescent materials.

Graphical abstract: Tb(iii)-functionalized MOF hybridized bis-crosslinked networked hydrogel luminescent films for arginine and dopamine hydrochloride sensing and anticounterfeiting

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Article information

Article type
13 8 2024
02 11 2024
First published
11 11 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 1198-1206

Tb(III)-functionalized MOF hybridized bis-crosslinked networked hydrogel luminescent films for arginine and dopamine hydrochloride sensing and anticounterfeiting

J. Pan, J. Lu, Y. Shang, Y. Li and B. Yan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 1198 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03444A

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