Issue 6, 2025

Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Mg3Sb2-based materials by codoping with B and Te


n-Type Mg3Sb2 has been extensively studied in recent years as a potential near-room-temperature thermoelectric candidate to substitute commercial Bi2Te3. Among these studies, introducing external atoms through doping to improve thermoelectric performance is the mainstream method. This work focuses on the thermoelectric improvement of Mg3.2SbBi by codoping with Te and B elements. As an effective n-type dopant, single doping with Te atoms increased the carrier concentration and conductivity, and Mg3.2SbBi0.97Te0.03 achieved the highest power factor of ∼22.4 μW cm−1 K−2 at 623 K. The sum of the lattice and bipolar diffusion thermal conductivities (κ − κE) was as low as ∼0.53 W m−1 K−1 at 773 K due to the additional phonon scattering from the Te-substitutional defects. The x = 0.03 sample achieved the highest zT ∼ 1.52. Further, the addition of B element on Mg3.2SbBi0.97Te0.03 led to a slightly inferior electronic performance, and the κκE of Mg3.2B0.03SbBi0.97Te0.03 decreased to 0.49 W m−1 K−1. As a result, the thermoelectric properties of Mg3.2B0.03SbBi0.97Te0.03 were slightly improved, and a peak zT of ∼1.54 at 623 K was achieved. Moreover, the Mg3.2BySbBi1−xTex prepared in this work by the ball-milling process exhibited excellent mechanical performance.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Mg3Sb2-based materials by codoping with B and Te

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Article information

Article type
18 10 2024
06 12 2024
First published
10 12 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 2689-2700

Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Mg3Sb2-based materials by codoping with B and Te

L. Zhai, J. Wang, L. Cheng, M. Lv, L. Gao, Z. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Liu and Z. Sun, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 2689 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC04461D

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