Themed collection Molecular and Nanotheranostics

Introduction to the themed collection on ‘Molecular and Nanotheranostics’
Thimmaiah Govindaraju introduces the themed collection on molecular and nanotheranostics.
RSC Chem. Biol., 2024,5, 71-72
Recent progress of small-molecule-based theranostic agents in Alzheimer's disease
This review discusses the developments of small-molecule-based theranostic agents in terms of design rationales, chemical structures, and theranostic performances in Alzheimer's disease.
RSC Med. Chem., 2023,14, 2231-2245

Small molecules and conjugates as theranostic agents
Small molecules with therapeutic and imaging capabilities can provide the desired theranostic effect for personalized medicine, either independently or when conjugated with a disease-specific targeting component.
RSC Chem. Biol., 2023,4, 826-849

Single-chain multicolor-reporter templates for subcellular localization of molecular events in mammalian cells
Single-chain multicolor-reporter imaging templates were developed for the subcellular localization of molecular events in mammalian cells.
RSC Chem. Biol., 2023,4, 1043-1049

Cationic dextrin nanoparticles for effective intracellular delivery of cytochrome C in cancer therapy
Intracellular protein delivery using cationic dextrin nanoparticles show promise as a selective and specific approach to cancer therapy.
RSC Chem. Biol., 2024,5, 249-261

Fluorescent naphthalimide boronates as theranostics: structural investigations, confocal fluorescence and multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy in living cells
New design and synthetic strategies were developed to generate functional phenyl boronic acid-based fluorescent probes with a 1,8-naphthylimide bright core, and their beta-D-glucan hybrids. These were monitored by MP FLIM for their ability to report changes in their environments in live cells.
RSC Chem. Biol., 2023,4, 1082-1095
About this collection
Theranostics has the potential to revolutionize the practice and adaptation of personalized medicine to tackle chronic disease conditions like cancer and neuronal disorders. Generally, radiopharmaceutical, nano and macromolecular systems armed with tools to detect, treat, track, and image biomolecular targets in real-time have been employed as theranostics to effectively manage disease progression and cure.
In recent years, the field has witnessed the emergence of small molecules or small molecular conjugates as theranostic tools. This themed collection in RSC Chemical Biology and RSC Medicinal Chemistry, Guest Edited by Prof. Thimmaiah Govindaraju (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India), covers and highlights advancements in molecular theranostics. A particular emphasis is placed on on chemical biology of molecular design of theranostic tools and their selective interaction with the biomolecular targets to image and ameliorate the pathological conditions. This themed collection is anticipated to catalyze the development of precision theranostics as advanced and personalizable tools in chemical biology and modern medicine.