Themed collection Outstanding Papers 2023 – Environmental Science: Advances

2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry
The Editors-in-Chief of the Environmental Science journals introduce the Outstanding Papers of 2023.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2024,3, 620-622

The emergence of microplastics: charting the path from research to regulations
This paper summarizes recent groundbreaking research and regulations for microplastics and provides critical recommendations to overcome additional barriers.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 356-367

Review of analytical techniques for arsenic detection and determination in drinking water
This review presents an overview of various analytical techniques for arsenic determination in drinking water, and will enhance awareness and appreciation of their role in informing and protecting our environment and water resources, globally.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 171-195

Biochar implications in cleaner agricultural production and environmental sustainability
Biochar production and utilization is proposed as an innovative approach for enhancing food production and climate change mitigation. Globally, biochar has the potential to increase crop productivity by ∼11% and reduces annual human-induced GHG emissions by ∼12%.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 1042-1059

Potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria to improve soil health and agricultural productivity: a critical view
Microalgae are a source of scientific curiosity and inspiration for their utilization as ‘inoculants’ in agriculture and the commercial production of high-value products.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 586-611

Fabrication of biodegradable fibrous systems employing electrospinning technology for effluent treatment
The fabrication of biopolymer fibers through electrospinning technology with the elucidation of the adsorption and biodegradation mechanism of the employed electrospun biopolymer fibers in wastewater treatment for the removal of toxic entities.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 368-396

What do we know about the production and release of persistent organic pollutants in the global environment?
As of 2020, a cumulative total of 31 306 kilotonnes of manmade persistent organic pollutants had been synthesized and commercialized worldwide, resulting in cumulative releases of 20 348 kilotonnes into the global environment.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 55-68

A first estimate of blue carbon associated with oil & gas industry marine infrastructure
Oil and gas industry manmade structures (OGIMMS) in the marine environment can support thriving and biodiverse ecosystems.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 1708-1726

Deprivation based inequality in NOx emissions in England
Deprivation based inequality in NOx emissions in England, based on index of multiple deprivation decile and mean emissions per lower layer super output area.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 1261-1272

Optical chemical sensors for soil analysis: possibilities and challenges of visualising NH3 concentrations as well as pH and O2 microscale heterogeneity
The spatiotemporal heterogeneities and agricultural influences of soils can be imaged in 2D with optical chemical sensors inside and above non-waterlogged soils.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 1210-1219

Mid-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for postconsumer plastics recycling
Machine learning of the mid-infrared spectra of postconsumer plastics will help prevent, separate, and purify wastestreams contributing to global pollution.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 1099-1109

Mechanochemical destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aqueous film-forming foams and contaminated soil
Mechanochemical treatment, or high energy ball milling, was successfully employed to destroy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in an aqueous film-forming foam concentrate and an authentic contaminated soil sample.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 982-989

A baseline survey of potentially toxic elements in the soil of north-west Syria following a decade of conflict
The first regional topsoil sampling campaign since 2011 maps elevated background concentrations of potentially toxic elements in soils across north-west Syria following more than a decade of conflict.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 886-897

A medical waste X-ray film based triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered devices, sensors, and smart buildings
Medical waste X-ray films are used to fabricate a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG). The high-power density of (1.39 W m−2) TENG demonstrated its potential applications in self-powered devices, sensors, and smart buildings.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 848-860

Insights into the rare earth element potential of coal combustion by-products from western Canada
Rare earth elements are required for the energy transition and new sources will be needed to meet projected demand. Coal combustion by-products could be a promising, near-term source of rare earth elements.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 529-542

Photochemical formation of water-soluble oxyPAHs, naphthenic acids, and other hydrocarbon oxidation products from Cook Inlet, Alaska crude oil and diesel in simulated seawater spills
Hydrocarbon oxidation products (HOPs) formed from crude oil and diesel were generated from laboratory simulated spills at four different periods (1, 4, 7, and 10 days) under environmental conditions that mimicked those in Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 447-461

Planetary ball milling induced piezocatalysis for dye degradation using BaTiO3 ceramics
Planetary ball milling assisted piezocatalysis for water cleaning application.
Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2023,2, 462-472
About this collection
The Environmental Science journals Outstanding Papers identifies a selection of excellent papers published in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science journal family, showcasing great research from across the globe. This collection of our outstanding papers in 2023 can be read here:
To celebrate more of the great papers published in Environmental Science: Advances during 2023, we’ve gathered all shortlisted papers in this special collection.
Outstanding Paper: Mechanochemical destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aqueous film-forming foams and contaminated soil
Runner-Up Outstanding Paper: Mid-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for postconsumer plastics recycling
Outstanding Review: What do we know about the production and release of persistent organic pollutants in the global environment?