Themed collection Energy Advances 2022 Hot Papers

Dos and don’ts in screening water splitting electrocatalysts
A perspective with an explicit account of the appropriate screening of water splitting electrocatalysts advocating dos and don’ts!
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 511-523

Recent progress in ZnCo2O4 and its composites for energy storage and conversion: a review
In this work, electrode materials based on ZnCo2O4 for the HER/OER/ORR and energy storage devices were reviewed considering their key multifunctional role in the way to a more sustainable society.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 793-841

Progress in electrode and electrolyte materials: path to all-solid-state Li-ion batteries
This review presents a brief scenario regarding the development of cathodes, anodes, and electrolytes for next-generation Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and supercapacitors for future energy technologies.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 457-510

The role of specific and active surface areas in optimizing hard carbon irreversible capacity loss in sodium ion batteries
The hard carbon irreversible capacity loss in Na-ion cells can be reduced by decreasing the total surface area and the active surface area (defects).
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 185-190

A localized high concentration electrolyte for 4 V-class potassium metal batteries
A new localized high concentration electrolyte (LHCE) formulation enables improved oxidation stability (4.3 V), K anode passivation and Al anti-corrosion at the same time.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 191-196

Stabilizing all-inorganic CsPbI3 perovskite films with polyacrylonitrile for photovoltaic solar cells
The N atom in the side chain of the PAN skeleton coordinated with the exposed Pb atom on the CsPbI3 perovskite, which effectively passivated the defects of CsPbI3 crystal grains, and the PCE of the CsPb3I3-based PSCs improved from 14.36% to 16.21%.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 62-66

Halide (X = I, Br, Cl) doping to tune the electronic structure for conversion of Pb0.6Sn0.4Te into a high-performing thermoelectric material
The first report of a DFT study on halide (I, Br, Cl) doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te, a topological crystalline insulator reveals an opening of band gap and band convergence without breaking crystal mirror symmetry, leading to high thermoelectric performance.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 15-20

Molybdenum as a versatile dopant in SnTe: a promising material for thermoelectric application
Electronic structure engineering of SnTe by doping with molybdenum results in an increase in the band gap, valence band convergence, introduction of resonance levels, Rashba splitting and multiband transport, leading to enhanced thermoelectric performance.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 9-14

CO2 removal and 1.5 °C: what, when, where, and how?
We investigate how different CDR options—afforestation/reforestation (AR), bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS)—might be deployed to meet the Paris Agreement's CDR objectives.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 524-561

Single-step in situ synthesis of MoO2-faceted structures as highly efficient HER electrocatalysts and electrode materials for pseudocapacitors
The in situ developed intermediate MoO2-layered structures exhibited superior performance towards HER activity. The faceted and stacked MoO2 structures are potential candidates as electrode materials for pseudocapacitors.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 438-448

CIS QDs nucleated on oxygen vacancy rich BOI microplates: a hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced green energy production via mediator free Z-scheme dynamics
Efficacious H2 and O2 evolution over mediator free direct Z-scheme oriented 0D-2D CIS-BOI heterostructure photocatalyst.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 422-437

Catalytic reduction and reductive functionalisation of carbon dioxide with waste silicon from solar panel as the reducing agent
Waste silicon wafer recovered from the solar panel production process acted as a reducing agent for reduction and reductive functionalization of CO2 with fluoride catalyst.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 385-390

Thermal cyclodimerization of isoprene for the production of high-performance sustainable aviation fuel
Isoprene is converted to cycloalkanes by thermal dimerization followed by hydrogenation. The resulting blend exhibits outstanding jet fuel properties.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 338-343

Utilization of biowaste-derived catalysts for biodiesel production: process optimization using response surface methodology and particle swarm optimization method
In this study, banana flower petal ash has been considered as an effective catalyst in the transesterification to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 287-302

Lithium ion transport in solid polymer electrolyte filled with alumina nanoparticles
The addition of Al2O3 enhances Li+ transport along the PEO chains and provides an additional Li+ transport path, thereby significantly improving the conductivity.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 269-276

Direct and mild non-hydroxide activation of biomass to carbons with enhanced CO2 storage capacity
Direct activation of biomass, via a simple and lower cost one-step process, with potassium oxalate as a mild and less corrosive agent, yields activated carbon with properties and CO2 uptake comparable or superior to conventionally prepared activated carbons.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 216-224

Enhanced photocatalytic activity of brown H4Nb6O17/g-C3N4 composite for visible-light driven H2O2 production
Novel, brown H4Nb6O17, was synthesised and a composite heterojunction with g-C3N4 was formed, showing enhanced photocatalytic activity for H2O2 production.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 169-176

Technological innovation vs. tightening raw material markets: falling battery costs put at risk
This article sheds light on the combined impact of technological innovation and tightening raw material markets on future battery cost.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 136-145

Enhancing the photocatalytic hydrogen generation performance and strain regulation of the vertical GeI2/C2N van der Waals heterostructure: insights from first-principles study
The band edges of GeI2/C2N vdW are favourable to generate H2 at pH 0 to 9 with transition from a type-II indirect to type-I direct bandgap semiconductor under tensile biaxial strain.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 146-158

A sulfonated polyethylene–styrene cation exchange membrane: a potential separator material in vanadium redox flow battery applications
Benchmarking of a polyethylene–styrene–divinylbenzene-based interpolymer cation exchange membrane for vanadium redox flow batteries.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 87-98

Modeling and optimization of two-step shea butter oil biodiesel synthesis using snail shells as heterogeneous base catalysts
Shea butter oil (SBO) is underutilized in the biodiesel production industry in Nigeria because of its high free fatty acid (FFA) content, which reduces its biodiesel yield.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 113-128
About this collection
We are delighted to highlight some of the most impactful and significant work published in Energy Advances in 2022. These papers are already beginning to shape and influence the future direction of the field.