Issue 7, 2015

Recent advances in targeted drug delivery approaches using dendritic polymers


Since they were first synthesized over 30 years ago, dendrimers have seen rapid translation into various biomedical applications. A number of reports have not only demonstrated their clinical utility, but also revealed novel design approaches and strategies based on the elucidation of underlying mechanisms governing their biological interactions. This review focuses on presenting the latest advances in dendrimer design, discussing the current mechanistic understandings, and highlighting recent developments and targeted approaches using dendrimers in drug/gene delivery.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in targeted drug delivery approaches using dendritic polymers

Article information

Article type
09 Okt. 2014
14 Nov. 2014
First published
11 Dec. 2014

Biomater. Sci., 2015,3, 1025-1034

Author version available

Recent advances in targeted drug delivery approaches using dendritic polymers

J. Bugno, H. Hsu and S. Hong, Biomater. Sci., 2015, 3, 1025 DOI: 10.1039/C4BM00351A

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