CO2 fixation: cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides using practical metal-free recyclable catalysts


The conversion of CO2 into valuable chemicals is a crucial field of research. Cyclic organic carbonates have attracted great interest because they can be prepared under mild conditions and because of their structural versatility which enables a large variety of applications. Therefore, there is a need for potent and yet practical catalysts for the cycloaddition of CO2 to cyclic carbonates that are able to combine availability, low cost and an adequate performance. We review here several recyclable catalytic systems that are readily available, easy to prepare, and inexpensive with an eye to the future development of more efficient practical catalysts through the provided guidelines.

Graphical abstract: CO2 fixation: cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides using practical metal-free recyclable catalysts

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Article information

Article type
Feature Article
08 Okt. 2024
22 Nov. 2024
First published
25 Nov. 2024

Chem. Commun., 2025, Advance Article

CO2 fixation: cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides using practical metal-free recyclable catalysts

W. Natongchai, D. Crespy and V. D’Elia, Chem. Commun., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4CC05291A

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