Peptide-induced chirality transfer and circularly polarized luminescence in achiral BODIPY emitters via halogen bonding

Soumyadip Show a, Akshoy Jamadar a, Sudip Gorai bc, Soumyaditya Mula bc and Anindita Das *a
aSchool of Applied and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), 2A and 2B Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, India. E-mail:
bBio-Organic Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085, India
cHomi Bhabha National Institute, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai 400094, India

Received 31st October 2024 , Accepted 2nd December 2024

First published on 4th December 2024


This study explores peptide-mediated chiral induction and circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) in achiral BODIPY dyes, leading to a high glum value of up to −1.2 × 10−2 through orthogonal halogen bonding and hydrogen bonding. It unravels the impact of these combined directional interactions on the formation of heterostructures and their thermal stability.

Circularly polarized luminescence (CPL), which is the differential emission of right- and left-circularly polarized light,1a,b has gained increased attention over the past decade for its ability to offer critical information on the chirality of electronic excited states and its possible uses in optoelectronic technologies,2 3D displays,3 chiral recognition, and sensing.4 Organic molecules featuring both chirality and fluorescence have been explored to generate CPL-active materials. However, typically tuning the CPL properties via chemical modulation of different molecules involves tedious synthesis, making it difficult to establish the structural basis for systematic analysis of the excited state chiroptical features. Supramolecular approaches for CPL induction in achiral fluorophores by chirality transfer from chiral templates broaden the scope of structure–property analysis by allowing independent adjustment of the emission properties of fluorescent dyes and the chirality of the templates.5 Such modular strategies have emerged in recent years, with the added benefit of constructing stimuli-responsive ON–OFF CPL switches.6 Halogens, with their unique electronic structure, can participate in both Lewis acidic and basic interactions. This enables the utilization of halogen (X)-bonding7a–c between Lewis bases and electrophilic σ-holes, centered on the halogen atom, as a powerful directional noncovalent force in crystal engineering,8 materials science,9 anion transport,10 self-assembly,11 and many other fields. In comparison to the extensively studied hydrogen (H)-bonding, X-bonding is more directional12 and demonstrates comparable strength. Nevertheless, hierarchical supramolecular chirality mediated by halogen bonding is an understudied field,13a,b and its relevance in CPL induction or amplification has rarely been investigated.14a–c On the other hand, hydrogen-bonded peptide assemblies, exhibiting amplification of chirality, have been established as a promising system for designing chiroptical materials.15a,b We envisaged that additional immobilization of a halogen bond-donating unit in peptide-based chiral templates could be useful for supramolecular chirality transfer to achiral fluorophores if equipped with complementary halogen bonding motifs. Such modular designs for engineering CPL in achiral molecules based on orthogonal operation of H-bonding and X-bonding remain nearly unexplored. To this end, herein, we designed a new peptide molecule (D1) functionalized with a tetrafluoroiodophenyl (TFIP) moiety,16 as the halogen bond donor for two achiral boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) based fluorescent halogen bond acceptors A1 and A2 (Scheme 1), which were co-assembled by C–I⋯F–B X-bonding.17 This study exhibits new insights into the impact of X-bonding as a structure-directing tool in controlling supramolecular chirality in both ground and excited states.
image file: d4cc05814c-s1.tif
Scheme 1 Chemical structures of peptides (D1 and D2) and achiral BODIPYs (A1 and A2) and CPL induction in their co-assemblies (D1–A1 and D1–A2) by halogen bonding.

Synthesis of the two peptides (D1 and D2) is reported in the ESI and that of BODIPYs (A1 and A2) is reported elsewhere.18 All of them showed solubility in methanol (MeOH), where they exhibited monomeric properties (Fig. S1 and S2, ESI). A1 and A2 in 10% MeOH/water (c = 10 μM) showed an absorption maximum centered at ∼529 nm, which is assigned to the S0–S1 transition, and a low-intensity band around 400 nm for S0–S2.19 Upon co-assembly with the peptide D1, A1 exhibited a significant bathochromic shift of 34 nm, resulting in the emergence of a prominent band at λmax = 563 nm (Fig. 1a) with a concomitant increase in the band intensity. In contrast, only ∼4 nm red shift20 was observed for the co-assembly of A2 with D1. Thus, co-assembled D1–A1 and D1–A2 exhibit different molecular packing of the two BODIPY dyes. The emission intensity increased for both A1 and A2 in their respective co-assemblies (Fig. 1b), which is also reflected in the increased quantum yields of D1–A1 (0.36) and D1–A2 (0.45) compared to the homo-aggregates of A1 (0.16) and A2 (0.15) (see ESI). In 10% MeOH/water, D1 exhibited a bisignated circular dichroism (CD) spectrum with two negative signals at 221 nm and 278 nm, along with a positive peak at 254 nm, indicating the formation of a secondary helical structure (Fig. 1c and Fig. S2b, ESI). As expected, both A1 and A2, lacking any chiral entity, did not show any CD signals (Fig. 1c and d). However, in the case of D1–A1 and D1–A2, a new band centered at ∼563 nm and ∼530 nm emerged (Fig. 1d), precisely matching with the newly shifted absorbance peaks for A1 and A2, in their respective co-assemblies. This suggests the chirality transfer from the self-assembled peptide to the achiral BODIPYs in their co-assembled states. Also, the CD signals corresponding to the D1 absorbance showed a notable change in the co-assembly (Fig. 1c), indicating that the intrinsic helical arrangement of the peptide is influenced by the presence of the two BODIPYs. The existence of ground state chirality and enhanced emission both in D1–A1 and D1–A2 prompted us to further check their chiral emission in the excited state. While achiral BODIPYs exhibit no CPL signals, they showed CPL activity when co-assembled with the peptide at 25 °C (Fig. 2a and b). Pleasingly, CPL signals emerged at ∼580 nm for D1–A1 and ∼554 nm for D1–A2, with an appreciably high luminescence dissymmetry factor (glum) of −1.2 (±0.075) × 10−2 and −0.91 (±0.049) × 10−2, respectively (Fig. S3, ESI). glum = 2(ILIR)/(IL + IR), where IL and IR refer to the luminescence intensities of left- and right-circular polarized components, respectively. The CPL signals align well with the emission wavelengths of A1 and A2 in their co-assembled states. Furthermore, D1–A1 and D1–A2 showed ON and OFF CPL responses at 25 °C and 75 °C (Fig. 2a and b), respectively, which implies that induced supramolecular chirality in BODIPY acceptors by the peptide donor is lost around 75 °C. To gain insights into the thermal stability of the self-assembled D1 and its co-assembly with A1 and A2, temperature-dependent CD and UV-Vis studies were performed. D1 showed a notable reduction in the CD band intensity with increasing temperature from 25 °C to 95 °C (Fig. 2c). The CD melting curve monitored at 278 nm showed complete disassembly at ∼70 °C for the helical structure of D1 (Fig. 2d). In concomitance, variable-temperature UV-Vis studies with D1 revealed spectral broadening along with a hypochromic shift for the band centered at 263 nm (Fig. 2e), which is ascribed to the tetrafluoroiodophenyl (TFIP) moiety. Complete disassembly was noticed at ∼70 °C (Fig. 2h), corroborating with the CD results. The peptide-induced CD bands for D1–A1 and D1–A2, originating from the two achiral BODIPYs, remained largely intact up to 60 °C, above which the signal intensity began to decrease rapidly and showed complete loss above 80 °C (Fig. 2d and Fig. S4, ESI). In contrast, the helical assembly of D1 alone was significantly disrupted at 60 °C. Thus, compared to D1 alone, the two co-assemblies demonstrated greater thermal stability (Fig. 2d). A similar observation was made from the variable-temperature UV-Vis studies. With increasing temperature from 25 °C to 95 °C, the co-assemblies showed a decrease in the absorption intensity of A1 and A2 (Fig. 2f and g) without any significant spectral shift, and the UV-Vis spectra at 95 °C did not resemble that of the monomeric spectra observed in MeOH (Fig. S1, ESI). This suggests that A1 or A2 remained aggregated even after disassembly from D1 possibly due to the hydrophobic dominance in water. α50 values (temperature at which fraction of aggregation is 0.5) obtained from the UV-Vis spectral changes revealed greater thermal stability for co-assembled D1–A1 (66 °C) and D1–A2 (76 °C) than the homo-assembly of D1 (57 °C) (Fig. 2h), in agreement with the CD data. Noteworthily, D1–A2 exhibits greater stability than D1–A1, which is attributed to the stronger hydrophobic effect of A2 in 10% MeOH/water. This is owing to the absence of the polar amine group in A2 unlike in A1, which makes D1–A2 co-assembly more hydrophobic and less hydrated than the D1–A1 co-assembly. Comparing the UV-Vis melting curves of A1 and A2 with D1–A1 and D1–A2, respectively, we further ascertained augmentation of BODIPY stability by the peptide in the two co-assemblies (Fig. S5, ESI). This is attributed to the synergistic effect of multiple directional non-covalent interactions operating within the two co-assemblies, in contrast to the formation of solvophobically-driven collapsed structures in the BODIPY homo-assemblies.

image file: d4cc05814c-f1.tif
Fig. 1 (a) UV-Vis, (b) photoluminescence (PL) and (c,d) CD spectra of D1, A1, A2, D1–A1 and D1–A2; conc. = 0.1 mM in 10% MeOH/H2O.

image file: d4cc05814c-f2.tif
Fig. 2 (a) CPL spectra of D1–A1 and (b) D1–A2 at 25 °C and 75 °C; (c) variable-temperature CD spectra of D1; variable-temperature UV-Vis spectra of (e) D1, (f) D1–A1 and (g) D1–A2; (d) normalized CD vs. temperature plot and (h) αaggvs. temperature plot for D1, D1–A1, and D1–A2. Individual conc. = 0.1 mM in 10% MeOH/water.

While D1 exhibited an entangled fibrillar morphology (Fig. 3a), A1 and A2 produced ill-defined spherical aggregates (Fig. S6a and b, ESI), as visualized from the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. In contrast, co-assembled D1–A1 formed heterogeneous structures with short nanorods attached to small fibers (Fig. 3b). Upon heating the solution to 90 °C followed by cooling, elongated fibers and nanorods were regenerated (Fig. 3c), but surprisingly the nanorods were found to be detached from the fibers and could be isolated (Fig. 3d). This is due to the precipitation of the peptide fibers, likely caused by the slow escape of the MeOH during the heating process. Non-reversibility of the UV-Vis and CD spectra (Fig. S7a and b, ESI) after re-cooling the solution and repeating the heat–cool cycle further establishes that chirality transfer does not occur once the nanorods are dissociated from the helical fibers. In contrast, co-assembled D1–A2 exhibited fibrillar morphology (Fig. S6c, ESI) similar to D1, and no segregated nanorods were seen attached to the fibers, unlike observed in D1–A1 co-assembly. Possibly, the greater hydrophobicity of A2 owing to the absence of the polar amine groups enables its better intercalation within the fibrillar network of D1. This results in improved colloidal stability through increased hydrophobic shielding from the bulk water during the co-assembly. In contrast, A1 formed separate nanorods on the peptide fibers by possibly facing its hydrated amine group to bulk water. This accounts for the greater thermal stability of D1–A2 than D1–A1.

image file: d4cc05814c-f3.tif
Fig. 3 TEM images of (a) self-assembled D1, and (b) co-assembled D1–A1 showing short fibers attached to small nanorods; (c) D1–A1 morphology after a heat–cool treatment showing the co-existence of elongated fibers and detached nanorods, and (d) isolated nanorods by selective precipitation of the peptide fibers. Individual conc. = 0.1 mM in 10% MeOH/H2O.

Next, we investigated the supramolecular interactions governing the self-assembly of the peptide D1 and its co-assembly with A1 and A2. D1 exhibited a H-bonded amide I band at 1649 cm−1 (Fig. S8, ESI), with no observed shift in the two co-assemblies, suggesting the retention of the peptide H-bonding in the co-assembled states. Noteworthily, the amine moiety in A1 is not a decisive interacting group for the co-assembly with D1, as A2 in its absence also interacts with D1 and exhibits induced chirality in both the ground and excited states. To gain insight into the presence of X-bonding, 19F NMR spectroscopy was performed using D2O as a locking solvent in a sealed capillary tube. D1 displayed two peaks at −121.27 ppm and −150.31 ppm, respectively, for the ortho- and meta-fluorine atoms (with respect to the iodine atom) associated with the TFIP moiety in D1, which showed significant upfield shift upon co-assembly with A1 (Δ 1.47, Δ 0.22) and A2 (Δ 2.23, Δ 0.12), typically observed during halogen bonding (Fig. 4a and Fig. S9, ESI). Contrarily, A1 and A2 exhibited a quartet resonance at −156.88 and −156.92 ppm, respectively, for the two fluorine atoms attached to the boron centers (Fig. 4a and Fig. S9, ESI). Upon co-assembly with D1, a notable downfield shift to −155.44 and −154.80 ppm was observed in D1–A1 and D1–A2, respectively (Fig. 4a and Fig. S9, ESI). The spectral shift was more prominent for A2 (Δ 2.12) as compared to A1 (Δ 1.44) in the presence of D1, which indicates stronger binding of D1 with A2, as previously observed from the temperature-dependent UV-Vis spectroscopy studies. For further confirmation of the involvement of X-bonding, 11B NMR spectroscopy was performed, as the boron center is highly sensitive to the ligand around its vicinity. A1 and A2 exhibited a triplet peak at −4.84 and −4.90 ppm, respectively, for the B–F coupling, which significantly shifted to −2.63 ppm and −2.32 ppm when co-assembled with D1 (Fig. 4b and Fig. S10, ESI). Comparing both co-assemblies revealed a stronger hydrophobically-assisted X-bonding interaction in D1–A2 than D1–A1.21 Validation of B–F⋯I–C halogen bonding was further pursued by studying the co-assembly of A1 and A2 with a control peptide (D2), where the proline is attached to a pentafluorophenyl group (Scheme 1), which has no X-bonding donating ability due to the absence of the iodine atom. D2 also self-assembled into a similar fibrillar structure as D1 (Fig. S11, ESI). UV-Vis and CD analysis of the co-assemblies showed no spectral change or chiral induction in the BODIPY acceptors (Fig. S12, ESI), ruling out any possibility of their nonspecific interactions with the peptide D2. This confirms that directional X-bonding between chiral peptide donor D1 and the achiral BODIPY emitters drives chirality transfer and CPL induction, enabling symmetry breaking and chiral amplification in π-stacked A1 and A2 co-assemblies via orthogonal H-bonding. This accounts for the shape transition from hydrophobically-collapsed disordered spherical homo-aggregates to more ordered helical heterostructures.

image file: d4cc05814c-f4.tif
Fig. 4 (a) 19F NMR spectra and (b) 11B NMR spectra in 10% MeOH/water locked with D2O. (*) Reference peak for phenylboronic acid.

This work reveals a versatile halogen bonding-mediated strategy for CPL generation (glum value reaching up to −1.2 × 102 in the solution state) in achiral amine substituted/unsubstituted BODIPY acceptors, A1 and A2, respectively, by chirality transfer from a chiral peptide donor (D1). The halogen-bonded co-assemblies demonstrate temperature-dependent ON/OFF CPL switching, co-existing fibrillar and rod-like morphology attached to each other (originated from D1–A1 co-assembly), and their physical separation by a simple heat–cool treatment, which was not observed for the D1 and A2 pair. D1–A2 co-assembly showed superior thermal stability compared to D1–A1 due to the stronger hydrophobic interaction-driven halogen bonding in the D1–A2 co-assembly. This work reveals novel perspectives on the capability of directional halogen bonding in regulating supramolecular chirality in both ground and excited states, leading to strong CPL signals from achiral BODIPY fluorophores. This study opens up new opportunities in designing tailorable CPL active responsive materials, exploring orthogonal halogen bonding in hydrogen-bonded peptide assemblies.

S. S. & A. J. thank CSIR, New Delhi, and S. G. thanks BRNS for a fellowship. A. D. & S. M. thank DAE-BRNS (No. 58/20/10/2022-BRNS/37054) for funding and IACS for generous support to create the CPL facility.

Data availability

The data supporting this article have been included as part of the ESI.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


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