Mechanistic insights into capacity discrepancies of conversion-type transition-metal compounds in wide-temperature-range lithium-ion batteries


Conversion-type transition-metal compounds (C-TMCs) are widely used as lithium-ion battery (LIB) anodes due to their high theoretical capacity. However, a significant discrepancy in lithium storage capacity is observed across a wide range of temperatures, and a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Herein, we propose a methodology to clarify the capacity discrepancy mechanisms by choosing the Fe1−xS anode as a representation. Specifically, we demonstrate lithium storage in three stages of Fe1−xS across a wide temperature range, involving insertion, conversion, and space charge. Furthermore, we reveal that the capacity discrepancy mechanisms of Fe1−xS across a wide temperature range are due to the differences in the amount of spin-polarized electrons that are injected into Fe, which induces the storage of different amounts of lithium ions into Li2S during the space charge lithium storage by in situ magnetometry as a dominant technology. Higher operational temperatures of the batteries benefit from more storage of ions and electrons in Li2S and Fe, respectively. Our work clarifies the importance of space charge in the improvement of the capacity of C-TMCs in a wide temperature range, which can guide the development of high-capacity anodes that can be used in wide-temperature-range LIBs.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic insights into capacity discrepancies of conversion-type transition-metal compounds in wide-temperature-range lithium-ion batteries

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08 Sept. 2024
21 Nov. 2024
First published
22 Nov. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article

Mechanistic insights into capacity discrepancies of conversion-type transition-metal compounds in wide-temperature-range lithium-ion batteries

M. Han, K. Zheng, J. Liu, Z. Zou, Y. Mu, H. Hu, F. Yu, W. Li, L. Wei, L. Zeng and T. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06381C

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