Issue 10, 2021

Gold nanoplasmonic particles in tunable porous silicon 3D scaffolds for ultra-low concentration detection by SERS


A composite material of plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in a scaffold of nano-porous silicon offers unmatched capabilities for use as a SERS substrate. The marriage of these components presents an exclusive combination of tightly focused amplification of Localised Surface Plasmon (LSP) fields inside the material with an extremely high surface-to-volume ratio. This provides favourable conditions for a single molecule or extremely low concentration detection by SERS. In this work the advantage of the composite is demonstrated by SERS detection of Methylene Blue at a concentration as low as a few picomolars. We systematically investigate the plasmonic properties of the material by imaging its morphology, establishing its composition and the effect on the LSP resonance optical spectra.

Graphical abstract: Gold nanoplasmonic particles in tunable porous silicon 3D scaffolds for ultra-low concentration detection by SERS

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Article type
21 Apr. 2021
14 Jūl. 2021
First published
16 Jūl. 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Horiz., 2021,6, 781-790

Gold nanoplasmonic particles in tunable porous silicon 3D scaffolds for ultra-low concentration detection by SERS

R. Wu, Q. Jin, C. Storey, J. Collins, G. Gomard, U. Lemmer, L. Canham, R. Kling and A. Kaplan, Nanoscale Horiz., 2021, 6, 781 DOI: 10.1039/D1NH00228G

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