Issue 24, 2023

Deep red emission from rare-earth-free calcium aluminozincate phosphor with the substitution of Cr3+ ion


Chromium-doped calcium aluminozincate phosphor with a distinct amount of chromium was prepared via the sol–gel technique. The phase analysis and morphological study along with optical properties were conducted on the prepared material. The room temperature luminescent traits of the sample were studied in detail under 540 nm excitation wavelength. The deep red emission was confirmed from the CIE coordinates calculated using emission data. The decay curves were recorded to calculate the lifetime values for the aforementioned powder samples. The temperature-dependent luminescent characteristics were also investigated to identify the activation energy and thermal stability. The quantum yield was also calculated using luminescence spectra and found to be relatively good for the present phosphor. All of the investigated studies specified above signify that the synthesized phosphor is well suited as a red emitter in lighting and display devices.

Graphical abstract: Deep red emission from rare-earth-free calcium aluminozincate phosphor with the substitution of Cr3+ ion

Article information

Article type
31 Marts 2023
14 Maijs 2023
First published
02 Jūn. 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 16663-16670

Deep red emission from rare-earth-free calcium aluminozincate phosphor with the substitution of Cr3+ ion

S. Kaur, V. Kumar and A. S. Rao, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 16663 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA02129G

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