Issue 29, 2023

Photon avalanche assisted upconversion via customizing the green emission


The developed SnWO4 phosphors incorporated with Ho3+, Yb3+ and Mn4+ ions have been explored under 980 nm laser irradiation. The molar concentration of dopants has been optimized to 0.5 Ho3+, 3.0 Yb3+ and 5.0 Mn4+ in SnWO4 phosphors. The upconversion (UC) emission from the codoped SnWO4 phosphors has been substantially amplified up to 13 times and described based on the energy transfer and charge compensation. On incorporating the Mn4+ ions in the Ho3+/Yb3+ codoped system the sharp green luminescence shifted to reddish broadband emission due to the photon avalanche mechanism. The processes accountable for the concentration quenching have been described based on critical distance. The interaction responsible for the concentration quenching in Yb3+ sensitized Ho3+ and Ho3+/Mn4+:SnWO4 phosphors is considered to be dipole-quadrupole and exchange interaction type, respectively. The activation energy 0.19 eV has been determined, and the phenomenon of thermal quenching is discussed using a configuration coordinate diagram.

Graphical abstract: Photon avalanche assisted upconversion via customizing the green emission

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Article type
02 Maijs 2023
05 Jūn. 2023
First published
06 Jūl. 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 20342-20350

Photon avalanche assisted upconversion via customizing the green emission

M. Prasad and V. K. Rai, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 20342 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA02894A

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