Issue 37, 2024

Sr4Al14O25:Li+,Mn4+ phosphor-in-glass film: erosion behavior and luminescence property


At present, phosphor-in-glass is regarded as a superior encapsulation material substituting for organic materials to resolve the poor thermal stability of WLEDs. However, the serious erosion reaction between commercial red phosphor and the glass matrix restricts the development and application of red phosphor-in-glass. In this work, a novel Sr4Al14O25:Li+,Mn4+ (SAO) red phosphor-in-glass film (PiGF) with precursor glass xB2O3–(85 − x)Bi2O3–5Al2O3–10CaO was prepared using a low-temperature sintering technique. Crystallization was observed in the precursor glass with 40% and 45% B2O3 content at 570 °C for 30 min, with the crystalline phase mainly being Bi4B2O9. The glass transition temperature gradually increases from 420 to 496 °C with an increase in B2O3 content from 40 to 60%. The DSC simulation and experimental results show that the degree of erosion of SAO phosphors decreases with an increase in B2O3 content from 50 to 60% and with an increase in the co-sintering temperature from 570 to 590 °C, while the glass surface smoothness of the PiGFs decreases with increasing B2O3 content. 55% B2O3 and 570 °C are the optimal parameters. The PL and PLE of the PiGFs show that the luminous intensity increases and then decreases with increasing B2O3 content, with 55% B2O3 also being the optimal value. The PiGF shows a quantum efficiency of 46.62%, and the luminous intensity maintains 85.1% of its initial intensity at 348 K.

Graphical abstract: Sr4Al14O25:Li+,Mn4+ phosphor-in-glass film: erosion behavior and luminescence property

Article information

Article type
05 Jūl. 2024
23 Aug. 2024
First published
26 Aug. 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 15471-15480

Sr4Al14O25:Li+,Mn4+ phosphor-in-glass film: erosion behavior and luminescence property

Y. Liu, H. Yang, H. Jiang, D. Ma, W. Fang and L. Xia, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 15471 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01941E

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