Issue 38, 2024

Au/Ag@polyoxometalate core–shell structures: from nanoparticles to atomically precise nanoclusters


This review summarizes the progress in the research on polyoxometalate (POM)-decorated gold (Au) and silver (Ag) core–shell structures (Au/Ag@POMs), emphasizing their substantial application potential in catalysis, medicine, and biology. It outlines the central strategies for fabricating Au/Ag@POMs with diverse morphologies and dimensions, leveraging POMs as protective ligands and reducing agents as well as for ligand exchange. Of particular note is the focus on the analysis of the nanoparticle size, shape, and intricate architecture of POM shells using cryo-electron microscopy techniques. By integrating recent findings on atomically precise POM-stabilized nanoclusters, this review delves deeper into understanding surface interface structures, intrinsic atomic architectures, and electronic interactions between POM shells and metallic cores. Collectively, advancements in this field underscore significant strides in the controllable synthesis and precise structural manipulation of Au/Ag@POM architectures, thus paving the way for engineering high-performance metal catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Au/Ag@polyoxometalate core–shell structures: from nanoparticles to atomically precise nanoclusters

Article information

Article type
22 Jūl. 2024
25 Aug. 2024
First published
29 Aug. 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 15787-15794

Au/Ag@polyoxometalate core–shell structures: from nanoparticles to atomically precise nanoclusters

X. Ding, W. Yang, S. Yao, X. Tong, Y. Ling, Z. Jiang, C. Wang and C. Zhan, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 15787 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02098G

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