Issue 38, 2024

Low coordinate Zn(ii) organocations bearing extremely bulky NHC ligands: structural features, air-/water-tolerance and use in hydrosilylation and hydrogenation catalysis


This work details the synthesis and characterization of low-coordinate Zn(II)-based organocations [(NHC)Zn(R)]+ incorporating extremely bulky NHCs [ITr] and [IAd] ([ITr] = ([ITr] = [(HCNCPh3)2C:]; [IAd] = [(HCNAd)2C:], Ad = adamantyl)). Their structural features and particularities are thoroughly assessed as well as their air and water tolerance. Neutral ITr and IAd adducts [(ITr)Zn(R)2] (1, R = Me; 2, R = Et) and [(IAd)Zn(R)2] (3, R = Me; 4, R = Et) were synthesized by reaction of carbene [ITr] or [IAd] with a stoichiometric amount of [ZnR2] and isolated in good yields. Despite the steric bulk of [ITr] and [IAd], neutral compounds 1–4 are robust and the solid state structure of adduct 3 was established through X-ray crystallographic studies as a trigonal monomer Zn(II) species. Adducts 1–4 may readily be ionized by [Ph3C][B(C6F5)4] to afford two-coordinate Zn(II) alkyl cations [(ITr)Zn(Me)]+ ([5]+) and [(ITr)Zn(Et)]+ ([6]+), [(IAd)Zn(Me)]+ ([7]+) and [(IAd)Zn(Me)]+ ([8]+), all isolated in high yields (>80%) as [B(C6F5)4] salts, which were fully characterized. Remarkably, cation [(ITr)Zn(C6F5)]+ ([9]+), prepared by reaction of [5][B(C6F5)4] with [B(C6F5)3], features π–arene interactions with the electrophilic Zn(II), as deduced from solid state data and further completed by DFT-estimated non-covalent interactions (NCI), indicating that [ITr] may provide substantial steric and electrostatic stabilization. The latter certainly explains the remarkable stability of [(ITr)Zn(C6F5)]+ ([9]+) towards hydrolysis at RT, as it only coordinates H2O to afford an unprecedented stable Zn–OH2 organocation [10]+. Also noteworthy, H2O coordination is reversible allowing recovery of [(ITr)Zn(C6F5)]+ cation, even after prolonged air exposure. Yet, controlled hydrolysis of [(ITr)Zn(C6F5)]+ may occur upon heating with selective protonolysis of the Zn–C6F5 bond to afford structurally characterized dication [(ITr)Zn(OH)]22+ [11]2+. Interestingly, despite steric hindrance, the air-/water-tolerant cation [(ITr)Zn(C6F5)]+ is an effective CO2 hydrosilylation catalyst, and was also shown to mediate imine hydrogenation catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Low coordinate Zn(ii) organocations bearing extremely bulky NHC ligands: structural features, air-/water-tolerance and use in hydrosilylation and hydrogenation catalysis

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26 Jūl. 2024
11 Sept. 2024
First published
12 Sept. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 15849-15858

Low coordinate Zn(II) organocations bearing extremely bulky NHC ligands: structural features, air-/water-tolerance and use in hydrosilylation and hydrogenation catalysis

X. Xu, J. Parmentier, C. Gourlaouen, B. Jacques and S. Dagorne, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 15849 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02152E

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